Hi, I have been really enjoying the experience on my Steam deck, i have it configured pretty good with addons and my UI is pretty clean with an ElvUI configuration.
Question, has anyone played the Dragonflight beta on the steam deck? Im wondering how the new UI will be, I read it is very customizable which could be great for the smaller steam deck screen as opposed to a monitor.
I am wondering if I will be able to ditch ElvUI and play with the new one, because it looks great.
oh man now i really want a steam deck >.<
i do believe the edit mode setting is stored server side so you can set it up on the desktop client, which is nice
Worth it, I just started a new toon on retail for Dragonflight and I am level 33. Leveled exclusively on the deck, grinding dungeons as a balance druid. So good.
I’m still saving for my Steamdeck
Guess we’ll find out soon enough. I finally got SL retail installed and running this weekend, plus all my desktop addons. That was not exactly a fun process nor a short one, but it finally worked and loaded up the game fine.
Is the keybinding separate from my desktop? ConsolePort addon scared me asking to reset my keybinds or something, so I hadn’t moved past that step.
I’m experiencing an issue where editing the UI is giving me a ConsolePort addon error for editing certain frames such as target frame, and when I log out of the game, my health bar / portrait plus my target, is reset back to default positions… Trying to figure it out.
The keybindings should be separate.
So I have confirmed that enabling the “ConsolePort” addon at the moment, will reset chat position, player portrait, and target portrait locations if you relog. I tested the UI editor without ConsolePort and it saved properly, so it’s the addon causing the issue on the Steam deck.