I was doing a Horrific Vision, trying to clear one of the sides, when suddenly my stealth turned off and a load of mobs ganged me up, killing me in a stun chain because I was caught off guard and costing me a run… Extremely pissed about this, I decided to test it was my fail or really a bug. Started another vision and stood at the entrance, turned stealth on… And it fell off while I was there doing nothing. Re-stealthed… and it happened again. Not walking, not using skills, anything really, just standing still, and it still kept turning off from nowhere.
Stealth has been extremely wonky since the start of BfA, falling off at random times and getting you (and your team) killed because of internal procs from azerite and/or traits, and the bugs seems to be returned in force in 8.3.
Happening to me too. People on my server theorize it’s intentional. How is completely botching- at random so we can actually die when we otherwise would choose different mobs or paths for a smarter path- the major mechanic of a class (happening on druids as well) an intentional thing? I sincerely doubt it, as it not only punishes us, but cripples us in our very important openers where a talent and an entire spec is centered around stealth and the benefits of it? Maybe if we saw it coming, like incoming damage, but it’s just so random that we can’t get to a safe spot at all.
As a note, I was not having stealth issues in the Orgrimmar vision yesterday. I was not paying attention enough for the Vale vision to see if I was knocked out of stealth; but today in the Org one I got knocked out every time I went into the scenario even when I wasn’t moving.
Happened to me too, although I actually think this may be done on purpose. They’re probably thinking if we were able to stealth to whatever boss or challenge we wanted too, it might be unfair.
Exactly, I cleared a side area and the boss yesterday with no problems, but when I went to do the same thing today I got screwed since to my surprise stealth blew off right next to a group of mobs with lots of cc, and thanks to that I’m now one rank short till next week. No way this is intentional.
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I understand if this is intentional but just give mobs true sight because this wrecks my garotte assassin spec
. Blizz please fix this.
From what I can tell there’s a “trigger” point which causes the mobs to aggro you. I was also taken by surprise and wasn’t running subterfuge on my first run. I had better luck going up one of the sides than straight down the middle.
I feel like subterfuge is necessary right now, but poor feral druids if this is happening to them too.
I don’t know if it really makes a difference, but had this issue on my alliance assassination rogue. I also have a Horde rogue as Outlaw, did not have this issue at all doing the vision as outlaw.
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Another rogue posted that Void Ritual (one of the possible new corruptions) might be breaking stealth for him when the flame pops (the visual effect for this corruption), so the culprit for these de-stealths might be it, or other proc based corruptions. I had Void Ritual on my bracers last night and cleansed them today, and so far at least on open world I’m having no issues, but can’t test the effect on Visions since I’m out of keys, but I’m almost sure this is the problem, since my first successful run was done without those bracers, had no stealth issues there without corruption gear.
with zero corrupted items equipped i get pulled out of stealth quite often on my assassination rogue, and NEVER on my feral druid.
its fine if they want to limit the use of stealth but then do it to every class, and maybe rethink the fact that assassination rogues require stealth for damage.
Subterfuge issue, druids and other rogue spec’s do it just fine. Fix will be in 8.3.5. Aka… not at all.