Stealth breaking for no reason

Does this happen a lot to anyone else? I’ve noticed it a ton in PvP. I’ll be 100% out of combat and out of range anyone and will just come out of stealth. Even if I cloak/vanish and leave I’ll still lose stealth 10 seconds later. I was in an eye of the storm the other night and disengaged from a fight. I was standing on the bridge by BET in stealth and watched some projectile (don’t know if it was corruption based or an azerite power or whatever) travel like 75 yards and hit me taking me out of stealth. It’s so frustrating in PvP and really makes me not want to play my rogue


Been a thing since basically prepatch WoD or patch 6.0, is when it got really bad.

It was kinda a thing on occasion in Cata and Mists, but it was not typically a constant problem until 6.0, and its been pure trash since.

Its gotta be something to do with how passive auras are applied to your character regardless of if they are not going to do damage or not.

Its not the game engine either, because the problem simply does not exist in Classic WoW, so its something that Retail has either set up badly because blizzard and quality are not synonymous OR its deliberate and blizzard has that much hate for rogues.


This always seems to happen at the worst possible time, I remember waiting on the side of a road in nazmir, while a small alliance raid ran past…and I got taken out of stealth just before they reached my spot on the road.

I did not enjoy what happened a few moments later.


Assassination? I think it may be dots on enemies triggering essence procs.

Never mind. I was just knocked out of stealth without hitting, being hit, having any dots on me, or having any dots on an enemy. I think blizzard just doesn’t like us. :upside_down_face:


I’m constantly just randomly coming out of stealth all the time in epic bgs. Also vanish not immediately dropping combat in pvp, so annoying…

Yeah its super frustrating, especially when Vanish doesn’t work.

Definitely a thing since mop. might be before wod prepatch, I can find videos probably lol. I can remember a bug where I think it might have been dancing steel proc would take you out of stealth. really upsetting. but also actual like 'bug bug’s where you’d do nothing, have no buffs rolling, no dots ticking, not in combat, not near anyone, and stealth would drop.

Which was infuriating becuase they had ruined rogue in cata by making stelath so noob-friendly by putting the protection on vanish. (if you’ll remember that outrage.) and then again in mop, adding safey-blanket to stealth with subterfuge. People were really pulling their hair at all the coddling. And then this happens, and it turns out they messed up stealth just after actually being the closest they’ve been to fixing it in cataclysm. (Despite ruining vanish.)

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The reset use of cold snap would break stealth, also brain freeze procs, not the use of FFB, but when you got the brain freeze that allowed at the time for instant cast FFB.

It was hella busted, and I knew it and exploited it daily on my mage.

Druid and Paladin had something similar, but I can’t remember the name of the abilities, it’s been too many years.

Blizzard just has poor quality control or it was intentional.

That was for sure MoP, but it got worse in 6.0 because it wasn’t just some classes with bugged auras creating a problem, stealth would just randomly RNG break and no one was even in the same zone. Probly still a passive aura of some kind that was reacting, but never could track it down.

GG Blizzard top quality.

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yeah retail has some really janky code that is in dire need of cleaning up. Blizzard and Quality are not synonymous any more, its that or its intentional.


Yeah it’s really frustrating. Ended up shelving my rogue. Continued to happen in back to back bgs. Just casual bgs so it isn’t the end of the world but assassination relies so heavily on stealth it’s really demoralizing

yeah its a suck deal, they need to clean up the code a lot to fix this. Its a passive aura of some kind causing the issue more than likely.

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Why is this still a thing… They nerf us into the ground but can’t be bothered to fix the stealth breaking bugs that have been in the game for years. I’m logging on less and less each passing week. Debating whether or not to unsub. Left in Cata and came back for classic. If they don’t start addressing this kinda of stuff I’ll be checking out for good this time.

With as squishy as rogues are, they need that stealth so they can pick and choose their targets. The second they’re targeted by more than 1 person they flop in a global.

So I’ve done some testing and on my Venthyr rogue, it seems like the Theotar soulbind is what’s causing stealth to drop.

Whenever the “Token of Appreciation” ability is triggered, we buff other players which is considered us casting something and THAT is breaking stealth. It doesn’t seem to affect my other soulbinds.

Can anyone else confirm this is affecting non-Venthyr or is still a thing?

I switched to playing necrolord on mine and the problem stoped. Please try the first soulbind I forget who she is, that’s who I was using. I had about half the full tree unlocked.

Could definitely be a culprit. But only one of many im afraid. I had this problem all throughout BFA

I roll with Plague Deviser (necrolord covenant) and noticed I popped out of stealth in a BG while walking towards enemies. No spells, no bleeds, no flares, not in combat. Stopped moving, stealthed again, and came out of stealth maybe 5-10 secs later. Nothing I have procs anything without being triggered, so I have no idea. Super fun let me tell you


I have another report here, I was knocked out stealth by a alliance hunter flare in a non pvp situation while questing. I checked to make sure it was the flare by going back into stealth and walking back into the flare area.

This is happening to me in Zerith Mortis pvp flagged randomly with no dots or enemies nearby just pococpop buffs