Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

For days you parrot useless information that you and only one other person seem to think is important. You aren’t deconstructing anyone’s comment, let alone theirs.

Him specifically, the one you just liked is the one other person. The one that doesn’t care of class identity, nor the feel of the game by his own words, but then plays a RP server for some reason. I don’t understand that either…

I agree with the other part of the sentence, it is indeed reading the combat log. However your macro thing doesn’t apply here… You get pings on people walking around minding their own business with Spy…

Probably less than one percent of players read the combat log, and those were hardcore PvP players back in the day.

You spam random targeting constantly? Because that’s illogical to me. You’re probably claiming to be one of the only people in vanilla actually reading the combat log too, right?

no I used to spam it though when i saw my combat log twitch…

got any proof there or just your wild claim go on i will wait.

ahh so now you have moved the goal post to the audio cues. now you would have something here but then i will just turn this around and talk about DBM and GTFO all which give audio cues and thus would be cheating by this logic. but honestly i never hear the ping because i tend to play with no sound as i tend to listen to audiobooks and podcasts.

Have you accepted that reality yet?

RP is what you make of it. If the Combat Log being the universal radar that it is is so immersion breaking, you’re playing the wrong game.

As for the “arguments” being made repeatedly, they’re all over the place, with most of them being just mindless nonsense. Folks are still spreading lies about how Spy works. Folks, like yourself, are still trying to make distinctions between PvE and PvP that neither the Combat Log nor the API care about. Folks, like yourself, are still attempting to dismiss counterarguments based upon arbitrary thresholds of popularity. And some folks are just bound and determined to accuse anyone that disagrees as being anti-Rogue or anti-PvP rather than address anything actually stated.

This thread would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad. There are heated political debates with less disingenuous arguments than this discussion.

Something something DOWNLOADS something something DIDN’T WORK AS WELL something something YOU HATE ROGUES

oi i take offence at this most rogues don’t care about spy its just the bad ones that do but lets be honest we all know why they are complaining .

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Go find me any information from vanilla WoW. Everything’s been backlogged from 15 years of the game. Only the apex players back then would even of cared enough to do this, it wasn’t common knowledge. Only 400 downloads on an addon that wasn’t even remotely as fleshed out as Spy is currently back 15 years ago.
Yeah, you’ll keep waiting. Not going to spend a few months looking for something most players that played back then didn’t even know of.

What’re you getting at? Lmfao, that’s been a major selling point of this addon, with the list, and stealth callouts.

I’m sure Ragnaros appreciates you defending his honor, bud.

Guess you can’t see the flashing notification?

Wow, you quoted my “…”, you sure did an excellent job of deconstructing that, didn’t you?

I’m guessing that’s a no?

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Tell me, why am I here? Guess I need to work on getting stealth right, hell… I can’t even find it in my spell book. Guess the game’s bugged.

Stealth itself shows up in the combat log.

As does fishing.


If you are going to make arguments with incorrect facts, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously?

And shockingly, you can’t target anyone that is already in stealth and you can’t target anyone that is out of targeting range.

You really should learn how this works.

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Frankly? I don’t care why they complain as mincing words over motivations is entirely irrelevant to the arguments being made. Truth doesn’t become a falsehood just because someone you dislike says it.

The complaints so far have been:

  • It breaks Stealth/Prowl
  • It grants a skill superior to Hunter/Druid tracking
  • It invalidates wPvP
  • It is immersion breaking/against the Spirit of Classic
  • It does something that isn’t allowed/is cheating
  • Combat Log parsing is a recent thing

None of these things are true, and demonstrably so. That’s why “Spirit of Classic” and “immersion” and good 'ol “common sense” get trotted out instead. These are fairly meaningless standards but they give a rhetorical whiff of superiority and moral high ground. I don’t remember which poster it was, but one of them was absolutely adamant that he was so incensed by this addon existing that he had to fight for the betterment of the game… as if this were a rain forest to be saved or a death-row inmate to spare.

Why any of them do this, I don’t know and I don’t care. Their arguments range from bad to worse, so there isn’t much else to worry about.

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if you cant prove something then you don’t get to claim its true and then get upset and demand others have to do your legwork because you’re talking out your backside.

maybe to you again I dont hear the audio cues as i have the game muted and still i use the addon because it reads the combat log and runs the macro so that i don’t have to.
I didn’t need the audio cue and its not a selling point to me.

umm i can but see i can also see my combat log twitch as well its almost like they are both visual cues.

now this has been fun and wonderfull but my time is short and work calls so i leave you the the others.

The Nearby List

As enemy players are detected they will be added to the Nearby list. Hovering over entries in the list will display a tooltip with the enemy player’s details, including the last seen time and location. Right-clicking on them will displays a drop down menu which will allow you to:


Then why do you complain about #nochanges crap? If you don’t care about how the game’s going, or the combat, or the feel of it in general, what’s the issue with changes?
Were they to change this, what’s the big deal against it?

And yet you’re here 3 days later like the rest of us, talking about something you don’t care about.

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It does show enemy coordinates. Prove to me it doesn’t.

its your location it posts you twit go on use the actual addon before talking your backside.


Quote me where I told you to go look. Oops, guess you’re doing what you’ve accused me of doing…

Awesome, I’m glad you don’t need the sound effect because you already get a log and visual warnings.

Your location, not theirs. There’s a huge difference in this.

I’ve tested this myself in game, it told me where I was when I got the ping…

That location is the location of the Spy user when they detected the player. You can’t pull target coordinates from the Combat Log as they don’t exist.

If you think I don’t care about how the game’s going, you really need to take a step back and reread what I typed if you’re basing it off that sentence.

Again, you need to reread. I don’t care about your motivations. I care very much about your arguments and their consequences.

I would like to hear from your perspective what you think these are. Because I don’t understand where you’re coming from besides wanting this to be around to take full advantage of it.
I don’t see any issue in removing stealth from the logs, it’s why I’m here. What’s wrong with that? They’ve got to edit a small bit to stop it? As has been said, apparently feign death doesn’t show up in the logs. It shouldn’t be hard to duplicate that.

It gives you the location where you were, not the location of the player it detected.