Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

You’re acting as if your macro is the same as an addon that reads the combat log, however both are worlds apart. You targeting random players around you doesn’t mean a thing. You don’t get warned instantly if a group of 5 alliance entered somewhere in your 400 yard diameter, nor do you get a warning that one of those just stealthed and now without this addon, you only think 4 are there if you even cycled through the players to begin with. Worlds apart…

Read the comment I just wrote above this quote and see where your logic’s flawed.

Yeah, that’s an option. But the options you get in editing chat are very different from the ones you get editing your combat log.
You get Chat, Global and Other in your regular chat boxes.
You’re missing an entire combat panel in those boxes. Where you get 5 rows of selections between “What happened to me?” and “My actions.”

Yeah, I keep deconstructing your terrible arguments. Save yourselves the embarrassment.

You know you’ve lost when you have to resort to insults.

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im not please stop lying im saying that the addon is the same as reading the combat log and using a macro.

im sorry when your putting words in my mouth to try and win im sorry those comments don’t have any good points because you keep lying about what i said. so why should i accept the lie?

this is what i said now to a lackwit such as yourself you clearly see that as me saying that a macro was used to read the combat log. but if you had taken 2 seconds to actually read it you would see i said that a macro proves that people read the combat log back in the day.

the post i was responding to claimed that no one read the but i claimed the existance of the macro proved it the macro im talking about is the targeting one. see this is where you should have picked up on what i was saying if you had any thoughts at all. the existence of the target player macro was created so that players could spam it and target unseen players this need came from players actively reading the combat log. ie because we have and use the macro we can know that people were and do actively read the combat log because this macro arose from that need. the ending is my saying that all spy does is fill in the steps that players were already doing. Ie spy is simpler and better but the same effect can and will be achieved even if you removed spy.

What a waste of words to say “You’re wrong because you disagree”



Here is how to contact blizzard on this issue.

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It’s not cheating.

Please take a moment to learn the meaning of cheating.

I don’t use the add-on. Nice try, though.

Do you have any real arguments?

A liar and a cheater.

All to obvious.

frost just because you label something x does not suddenly make it x.
let me give you a clear example your name is Offensive it implies something thats against the TOS.
is your name suddenly offensive and are you breaking the tos because i said you are?

Any real arguments, or just more insults?

Maybe you are correct? I didn’t necessarily read the TOS like 99% of the people who play WoW.

Let that sink in.

Rather ironic that you’d be the one to claim others are cheating while admitting you didn’t read the TOS.


its fun when people hang themselves with their own words


I can assure you that I am not the only one who thinks this Spy addon is cheating.


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And I can assure you that you’re not the only one who is wrong for thinking that.

ahh yes but you don’t know the rules and just because people agree with you does not make you correct I mean by that logic the germans of 1900’s were correct and yes i know i’m breaking godwin’s law but its just so easy to do.

Yup back to defending I see.

You are absolutely wrong on your opinion.

Blizzard will break this addon sometime during phase 2. Quote me.

ok i will bet you and when your wrong you can delete both this toon but your account with blizzard.

If pointing out the objective fact that this add-on is not cheating is “defending” it, then sure.

So what happened to this, by the way?:

Whatever makes you feel better, bud.


For days you parrot useless information that you and only one other person seem to think is important. You aren’t deconstructing anyone’s comment, let alone theirs.

Him specifically, the one you just liked is the one other person. The one that doesn’t care of class identity, nor the feel of the game by his own words, but then plays a RP server for some reason. I don’t understand that either…

I agree with the other part of the sentence, it is indeed reading the combat log. However your macro thing doesn’t apply here… You get pings on people walking around minding their own business with Spy…

Probably less than one percent of players read the combat log, and those were hardcore PvP players back in the day.

You spam random targeting constantly? Because that’s illogical to me. You’re probably claiming to be one of the only people in vanilla actually reading the combat log too, right?