Steal A Scene From Another Game and Place It In WoW

I want the end of Sonic Frontiers Final Horizon.

Whoever is the end boss of the next expansion, I want to go inside a giant rifle and turn into a bullet that shoots through the Boss and causes them to explode! And then fall from space and get up like nothing happened.

That’s the peak of awesomeness :smiley:

We already stole the opening scene from ff14 and put it into legion.

And now it looks like we are stealing an entire zone and putting it in TWW.

What’s the point of coming out from a rifle if you’re gonna come out zig zagging all over the place, kinda weird.

Figured he’d be shot out in a straight line.

The important thing is that he went through a giant robot and a lovecraftian entity of death that floats through the universe destroying all life and appears as whatever you think death looks like :smiley:

(Apparently Sonic thinks death looks like a purple moon lol)

Man… Sonic peaked with adventure 2…

Good times. Had a chow who died from old age. That devastated me.

The Prikki-ti find the primitive world of Azeroth and unleash their planet cracker collosus, accomplishing in minutes what a mad titan and host of demons failed to do in years.

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Mass Effect 2’s final mission to wrap up the main campaign of an expansion.

An all-or-nothing, last-ditch effort to save the world, losing npc party members along the way depending on quest choices you made.

The “You Died” scene from dark souls, Everytime you wipe to something

Followed by

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Not sure I agree. Because someone died dramatically? I don’t think Varian’s death is all that similar to Louisoux since the context is kind of different.

However, Sendrax sacrificing herself certainly reminds me of a certain Elezen but done a bit more poorly since we didn’t have a lot of time with her.

I was referring to the floating in front of the mother crystal scene. This was in legion where we float in front of Xe’ra

A human hunter standing over a Tauren: “You eat babies, you have to, to survive. Everyone knows that. Ain’t your fault”

“We eat berries and mushrooms you fool!”


At the ending of the Zereth Mortis raid, i would have liked if the raid combined 8 instruments to awake the flying whale/character from their deep slumber.