Steal a Flame

Max level doesn’t matter. I was able to steal the flame from Org and Thunder Bluff. I did Org on my lvl 61 mage and Thunder Bluff on a 63 DK.

I flew in up high and found an area near the flame with few mobs in both cases. There was a mob that attacked in Org, but I used Shadowmeld to drop aggro and teleported back to SW.

I get there no problem, I can stand there no problem. As soon as I click I die.

The flame in SW has quite a few NPCs that aggro as soon as you click the flame, making it quite difficult to complete due to being hit/interrupted. So, even when there are no pvp folks lurking in off hours, it can still be rough. By comparison, the flame in Orgrimmar only has the flame eater standing by it who doesn’t bother you. If you just need the flame for the Trading Post requirement and can use an Alliance character, I’d recommend that.

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Yeah they bottled necked up that area now…there is the Trading post there now…the Cooking daily is shoved back into corner…now with Midsummer fire its all bottled necked up…they should of put the Trading post in another spot I said from the beginning…

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I just did this yesterday on my hunter. I flew into Org on the Azshara side and then slowly crept in. Inching a little closer until I was able to loot the flame. No mobs aggro’d and I was able to hop back on my mount and fly to Hyjal and take the portal back to SW. There was one PVP dude by the portal but I flew in, hit the portal quick and didn’t have much of an issue.

Whhhaaat…no, we aren’t that territorial. Really!

More seriously though, I think intentionally preventing others from completing an achievement is just mean. There’s faction pride…like sticking it to a rogue that’s killing auctioneers for kicks…and then there’s opportunistic ganking during holiday events, which is as bad as that rogue.

Come on now for years I use to sit at the Iron Forge Fire with couple other players and we tagged all the horde coming in…it was great fun…I’d throw out my freeze trap next too the fire for those druids and rogues and and pop goes the weasel trapped a horde…and then its a dead horde.

That was years ago when there was still a large group of folks doing the flames…now not so much…its just ever so often new player doing it…but back 2008 to about 2012 it was great fun.

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I practically claimed Iron Forge for myself on my server. I had no issues getting to the explorer ward other than the NPCs.

Just like with the Exodar. Just totally empty. Not like when I played Classic. IF was busier than SW it seemed.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Yep now a days nobody is at Iron Forge its quite sad really…its much easier to get around then SW…but after Cata hit the pop on my realm for Iron Forge dropped like a rock…

Also back during Vanilla Iron Forge was the one with the AH…I don’t think SW got a AH till later on in Vanilla…then it took a bit to connect them all too…

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GOT IT! Hehehehe. Maybe the guy wasn’t looking or…whatever. I got it!


One of the benefits of being on a Low pop server. Waited until it was around midnight and not a single player around. Hopped on my Pally and popped bubble to steal Stormwind’s flame. Still died to the guard spawn once the bubble dropped, but at least I got the credit.

Not needed.

Just be on Area52 and do this as Horde (0 Alliance to stop you). Or Stormrage and do it as Alliance (0 Horde to Stop you). EZ PZ

Maybe, but I’ve been on Feathermoon since Cataclysm and don’t feel like moving to another server. Plus, I’ve always liked RP realms, even if I don’t really engage in RP’ing myself.

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