Steady Flight version of Soar broken?

All the new dynamic mounts are really great, love the new added bits of animation,

The toggle for dynamic flight / steady flight is great,

Dynamic works great on my druid flight form, but…

Steady flight version of Soar is not working,

I turn on steady flight, I hit soar, he jumps up in the air for a sec and floats back down, The soar button is lit up like it is active, but he wont fly, just jumps around like normal.

Soar using dynamic flight works fine.

Is it NYI on the build we have for PTR or is it just bugged?

EDIT: I can sort of get it to work…

If I press soar, wait a monent and hold spacebar right at the end of the castbar, as he starts to fall back he will start flying in steady flight, and will stay in flight until I land or cancel it.

if I hit spacebar too soon it cancels the Soar cast like any other cast would be cancelled.

If I hit spacebar too late, after the cast, he just jumps around and can glide like he’s not flying at all, but the soar button remains lit and stays lit until I cancel it.

Edit: Tried it again just now I saw there is a new build.

Still broken. From the animation it seems like what it should be doing is jumping me just a bit into the air and then leaving me still, but flying, Similar to any other flying mount after you mount and just tap the spacebar.

Edit 2: Dracthyr Steady Flight

I think what I am experiencing is what folks in this thread are talking about,

I do wish folks who say it’s ‘working fine’ would describe what working fine looks like.