"Staying true to cIassic"

i swear, every time someone posts something about “retail minded” or “retail feeling” havent played retail in along time.

SoD feels more like era than it does retail in every single way possible aside from maybe the leveling speed

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Lol. Truth.

People talk about 1.12 as though it was some master-stroke of creative genius, when it was the end-result of an iterative process.

And with the very next major content release, those same devs made decisions that Vanilla enjoyers still pan today, such as flying mounts and class parity across factions.

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It’s what the voices tell him to do.

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Yeah, are there other versions of the game that play better that you would prefer playing?

With all the complaining happening among SoD players, I’m curious what people enjoy or like about SoD that keeps them playing it.


You and many others (including me) are not the target audience for SoD.
Simple as that.

It’s a curious phenomenon.

Different people have different preferences.


Well yes, of course. I’m curious as to what the preferences (the likes part of this) are when it comes to the people complaining constantly about SoD.

I’m curious because it seems to be all the same complaints all the time, whether on the forums, or in discord in-game. There’s a lot of people playing SoD while actively complaining about the exact same things.

What do they like about the game and why are they playing it? Is it that people who enjoy complaining are being gathered together in a honeypot for complainers called SoD?



You have world PvP returning, and you have some attempts at Classic balanced PvP, but it still has some balance issues. So maybe that’s where their headspace is at? They see that SoD PvP could be good, but its not quite there, and they feel like the best avenue to seeing it get to where they want it to be is by throwing a fit?


yup, it’s the exact opposite of classic :expressionless: retail 2.0 is retail 2.0

This is Season of “Discovery” and not Season of “Balance.”

Every week classes are tweaked with new rune abilities or Tweaks. This week my hunters spitting instant Aimed Shots… This weekend PVP damage is getting reduced…

Hell, they should stop giving patch notes at this point. Let us DISCOVER what’s changed… lol

why not? :expressionless:

Thanks for noticing!

I’ve been posting on this same toon long before SoD or even Classic were even being considered. Im not rotating forum alts. If I have something to say, you’ll know who is saying it as I’m not hiding behind a new toon every other day (like you).

I think I made my point very clear. Feel free to scroll up and read it again.

Actually, I work in an high stress job involving direct contact with a lot of people and the forums are a place I come to decompress.

I wasn’t aware stating a fact in how you’re unable to stick to one toon and feel the need to hide behind alts was “talking trash”. Truth hurts I guess.

Kinda like some random sock puppet on the forums flapping their fingers rudely because nobody agrees with them so they resort to half butted insults?:thinking:

Oh wait …