My son is on the autism spectrum… and while he hasn’t gone out (much) since this whole pandemic started, I wanted there to be a mask he might wear, should the need arise. (Well, at least he put it on long enough for me to take the picture!)
imgur . com / gallery / 0nIPHBG
edited to add: it said I couldn’t post a link… so remove spaces to see pic
Rockin’ mask. Cool kid.
I’m a caretaker for a living, and still have to be at it, crisis or not. Safety’s all set here. No worries!
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You picked the best mask! I hope you and your son stay healthy and safe!
I’d advise not posting your personal Facebook stuff on a public forum.
Awesome photo but maybe swap it for imgur or something?
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Oh good thought! I didn’t think of that.
I like the mask.
I think you’re crazy posting your facebook somewhere like here though.
Changed it… totally didn’t remember how crazy parts of the internet could be.
I can only imagine how hard it must be. I mean, even under normal circumstances, an autistic child can’t be easy to work with. But right now with all the normal rules out of whack … it probably sucks.
But at least you’re trying to get him used to the idea, if there is a need.
That makes you a good parent.
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Awww Thank you! I hadn’t posted much on the forums and thought this might amuse folks. … as much as the need for face coverings in this crazy time can amuse anyone.
(switched characters to represent … been playing classic more these days.)
The governor of Georgia is opening bowling allys this friday and other areas of the state… lol!
Pretty much all the republican controlled states are going to start opening up soon, and things could be fine or they could go horribly wrong. We shall have to wait and see.