Stay Classy - Prepatch

As of Pre-patch all Classes for any incomplete “Classy” achievements are showing grayed out.


yup had this happen as well to my guild. it’s so frustrating


Same here. The level cap hasn’t increased yet so it’s weird to remove progress for this already.


Our guild is having the same thing and we were almost done with this we just needed the goblins and one in each class and now thewy are all greyed out


I really hope this is just a bug, and progress is restored, but if progress is really gone…well what is the point of having a guild that has been around for a long time, if progress can just removed at moments notice.
i actually sent in a ticket…just got an automated response. so either blizzard knows of this and is going to fix it, or they are unaware and all guilds just lost years of progress is some cases.


would have thought this would be fixed quicker…jeez blizzard just a few more days till the big launch and you break thing.
sort of expected things to break when the expansion started to go live, but having a bug like this, it really needs to be fix ASAP


yup just when my guild started pushing for it too


would love to see a “blue” comment here, just like “we are looking into it” or “we are aware of this issue” because my guild was super close to finishing last 13 combinations and would have that sweet 8th guild bank tab…now with this…it could be another few years to do since my guild isn’t that big and if this happens now with every expansion…it will be impossible to do.


I put a ticket in and received a generic response to check the forums and then the ticket was closed. I was hoping to get clarification regarding whether the progress reset was intended or if it’s a bug.


Still nothing and they have now added the monk dk rogue mage classes to everything that did not have it this is super frustrating as we are a group of 7 and we have to make all these toons lvl them and then go to the next class. this is what happens when blizz messes with things my guild mates keep quitting wow and don’t come back…Blizz when will you fix this and make it right


Even when demon hunter was added the progress didn’t reset, so i am sort of at a loss.
Heck it’s pretty much just my brother and I doing all the race and class combinations in my guild, so seeing all the progress gone has me fuming.
It’s really to bad that the 8th guild bank tab is lock behind this achievement.
I put in a ticket, got an auto response as well for the first ticket. I now have a second ticket open as well, i really hope that this is just a bug and not a reset, because if it is a reset WHY WASN’T THERE A THING IN THE PREPATCH NOTES. Not that it would make hurt any less, but at least know that now smaller guilds are forever stuck at 7 guild bank tabs. People leaving and can’t get get the combination into the guild or just can’t raise up alts fast enough to get this achievement.


I feel your pain I have lvled 36 toons in the last 3 months alone trying to get this done for my guild i feel luck my kids and 2 best friends are in it with me as I would be fuming even more


I had only 4 dwarves and 4 dreanei to go, Now I have all dwarves and all dreanei to go. This is really unfortunate as I was pushing for my 8th bank tab really hard before the expansion launch thinking the level cap would affect this. Probably pointless now since I’m the only one in the guild and most of the characters have been deleted after getting the level and rep required to count. :roll_eyes: This shouldn’t have been patched in until the 28th.
I got a generic response to my ticket too, then it was marked as “resolved.” No blue post has even acknowledged this issue. :confused:


I too have this same issue. Hoping its a bug that will be fixed. I finished by last character today Dwarf Paladin. and went to check the achievment for Classy Dwarves & Classy Pandarian. It was all cleared. showing I needed to get all characters to max level. As of today Nov 20, 60 is the max level and achievement should be awared based on that. Level 70 does not become avail until Nov 28. Please blizzard fix this issue, the thougths to have to put another 10 levels on all the Panda’s and dwarves is too exhausing to think about. An update would be great.


Our guild has met the requirements for the Classy Dwarves Guild achievement, but got nothing. It was the last one needed for the “Stay Classy” Achievement. We have all of the dwarves at the max level 60 and all are honored with the guild. I understand that it’s a busy time for Blizzard, however, we have worked hard and earned that guild achievement. The error is on the Blizzard end and we shouldn’t have to pay the price because Blizz prematurely moved the goal post to the achievements to reflex max 70 which can’t even be done at this time.


Unfortunately this happened all the time when they had new expansions come out. If they released anything early, the new level was the new target level and you were SoL until you got the new level on those characters. It -is- frustrating, but at least you can do the leveling up to 70 in a few days.

Because this is something that is the same problem as in the past, and because nothing was done at the time for this then, I highly doubt they’ll be doing anything to address it now, unfortunately.


i’m “happy” to see that i’m not the only who is pissed off at this, hopefully blizzard fixes.
heck the 8th guild bank tab should just be purchasable OR get the achievement to unlock it.


Just took a look at my guild’s Achievements on here and it looks like they bumped them all to 70. so that’s why the progress was removed but before when a level cap was changed progress was grandfathered in. it’s why people with Loremaster or the explorer one still have those achievements even if they haven’t been to the new region. SO WHY WASN’T THE PROGRESS GRANDFATHERED over this time around?


it would appear that there are multiple threads related to this Achievement being bugged, either not counting toons or progress wiping…seriously blizzard this is unacceptable.

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on the achievement tab its self it only says max lvl and at this time max lvl is still 60 so there is no way to achive this goal if its not available

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