Stay a while and listen: Genn Greymane

I happened to click on Genn on the Alliance ship (misclicked when I went to click on Shaw to recruit more troops), and he had a Stay a while and listen option:

    Genn Greymane says: Anduin considers this a victory. But the Horde is united once again, and Sylvanas is still out there.

    Master Mathais Shaw says: So is Nathanos. My agents are scouring the Eastern Kingdoms for then as we speak.
    Genn Greymane says: And what do we do about the Horde?
    Master Mathais Shaw says: We wait. We watch. We listen. And we let King Wrynn know if and when it is time for action.


Really liking Shaw a lot more than the other humans this expansion. He’s not acting like a total idiot like Anduin and Jaina. Genn too I suppose. But he’s never been a total peacenik idiot.


The Internet sells Genn short when it calls him a mere good boy.


didn’t he fall for saurfangs trap hook line and sinker at the start of the war of thorns tho

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Yeah ok I’ll pay that. I mostly mean he’s not all “oh the Horde are great we forgive them.” He knows they can’t be trusted and won’t pretend they can be even now.


I mean, everyone pretty much fell for the War of Thorns trap, so if that’s the deciding factor, the bar ain’t exactly set high.

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Not like the other humans.

It’d be funnier if it weren’t so true.


Not really much substance to it compared to Shaw and Wyrmbane’s discussion before.

This expansion is fleshing out Shaw quite nicely. I like it.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate that most of Genn’s more substantial moments are not in the expansion proper but in source material leading up to it. (Him defying Sylvanas’s expectation that he would be self-interested in the wake of Teldrassil’s destruction being one example.)

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He’s also dumb, but he’s an incompetent dumb, not a naive dumb.

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To be fair, Saurfang and Anduin also thought the Gilneans would be like that.

I honestly am surprised so many people thought that of the Gilneans. Maybe it’s one of those “We used to be like that, but not now” kinda things.

I suppose so, actually that does remind me that I admittedly did not actually get around to reading Elegy to know about that, at least not for Anduin.

Which is still a better kind of dumb. At least he seems to learn from his mistakes.

Character Development. It’s becoming so rare and sparsely used that even in game characters are surprised to see it.

That being said, I am glad to see that Genn is still wary of the Horde. I like the fact that he’s anti-Horde, and that while he is at least willing to hear Anduin out, that he more or less stays true to his character.

He’s not a perfect character, and he’s not the best character, but I appreciate what he brings to the table, and he’s honestly probably my favorite for those reasons.


I mean, he’s NEVER forgiven them, even when they WEREN’T up to anything. So I wouldn’t expect him to start now.

With Blizzards writing in this patch I wouldn’t have put it past them to try so I’m happy at least someone isn’t on board the Anduin naivety train.


Genn has consistently been one of the best, if not THE best, characters in WoW since his introduction in Cata. Can he be High King instead of Anduin?

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I would like to point even Jaina remains warry of the Horde, but she is the hopeful kind of wary.

Have you read the rest of the post war dialog? It is clear from them Blizzard knew this ending would evoke a ton of reaction.

Now if only what he said would line up with what will happen. Shaw and his spies will tricked and or played as the plot needs so that they are ineffective.

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