Since 9.2.5 added a new contradictory source re: Gilneas’ current fate, will Dragonflight finally provide some confirmation?
The below are the varying sources. It’s clear a definitive answer is needed.
- Cataclysm levelling: the Forsaken invade through the Wall, reach Gilneas City, and the worgen player flees to Kalimdor. The undead player picks off from here, where the Forsaken are driven from northern Gilneas by the GLF, Bloodfang and 7th Legion, who counterinvade Silverpine. The two sides stalemate each other at the Greymane Wall. The city and countryside of Gilneas are not blighted.
- Battle for Gilneas BG: the Horde resumes its attack by sea, the Alliance defends the coast.
- Legendary rogue questline: the black dragon Creed has taken control of Gilneas City by posing as Gilnean nobleman, leading its Gilnean defenders against continued Forsaken assaults. The city and countryside are still not blighted.
- Mists of Pandaria epilogue: Varian says the Alliance will focus on cleansing Gilneas of the blight in the war’s aftermath so the Gilneans can return.
- Before the Storm: Genn Greymane implies the kingdom is home to the Forsaken.
- Blizzcon BfA announcement: the developers state that the Horde’s intent during the Stromgarde warfront is to secure a base from which to attack Gilneas.
- BfA war table: the Forsaken are again trying to attack Gilneas, while the Alliance is attacking Silverpine from Gilneas.
- Christie Golden’s twitter: she suggests the Forsaken refugees from Lordaeron temporarily relocated to Gilneas.
- Exploring the EK: Gilneas is not mentioned, but the Bloodfang control Shadowfang Keep and Fenris Isle, seemingly having won the BfA war table missions in Silverpine.
- Shadowlands epilogue: Calia wants to withdraw the Forsaken from Gilneas and have the worgen return.