Stats weights

What stat weights should I be looking for as an assassination rogue, I’m confused does the azurite traits make it any different on what stat weights I should choose

Have to use raidbots to sim yourself since everybodys “best” stat is going to be different.

Essences do play a role in stats as well. Generally you would want a lot of haste, but if you use lucid major/minor haste gets devalued quite a bit.

what the it changed my character

so yeah stat weights is telling me haste verse, do I put more haste verse into my gear?

Ignore stat weights entirely and just use top gear on raidbots. Your stat weights can swing wildly after changing just one piece where top gear will just tell you the best combination you have in your bags.

Is this simming crap really the best we have ? why is simming yourself for a non movement fight make any difference since most encounters now days require heavy movement? this is so dumb.

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You can sim for increased movement as well but it still correlates with your gear. If you dont raid at any level worth doing so or dont care to improve nobody is forcing you to sim.

Don’t get me wrong I sim but I would rather w didn’t have to, just still feels dumb.

That’s completely wrong. You should always sim for stat weights. Top gear is much more inaccurate than stat weights and should only be used for quickly simming gear on the fly. If you want accuracy just use stat weights.

I don’t understand? What fight are you doing that doesn’t let you have 99% uptime as a melee player (especially a rogue). Even then, what does simming your gear have to do with the movement of the fight. You should know what gear is the best for certain situations.

You may want to check your info as it seems you have it completely backwards, see below straight from Ravenholdt:

“Stat Weights,” is a term you might have heard many times. What is actually being discussed, is scale factors , because they usually change the moment you change a piece of equipment. This is why we recommend that you sim your character to compare items rather than relying on weights .

edit: hence recommending Top Gear
Reference: ravenholdt(dot)net/assassination-guide/

That doesn’t change the fact that a Stat Weight sim is much more accurate when it comes to raw damage compared to a Top Gear sim. They only recommend doing that on the ravenholdt starting guide because its the easiest way to sim a character.

Maybe it’s you who should be double checking your information and not blinding reading any information you find online.

After looking over that ravenholdt guide it also seems there is a lot of misinformation. If one part of the guide is wrong, whats there to say that the entire guide isn’t just wrong.

Stat weights are not what you use to find your best gear. Top gear is as accurate as it gets.

If you are claiming Ravenholdt is incorrect take it to the rogue discord as it is run by them (The top rogues/theorycrafters/etc in the game) I very highly doubt you know more than them as to which is why i decided to cite my source, as im just repeating what they have already said.

Stat weights change with every piece of gear you get. All they are good for is taking a guess “on the fly” as to an item being an upgrade until you can do a top gear sim.

This has been stated nowhere at all, so now you are just making stuff up. Continue pretending you know what you are talking about and actually stating misinformation.

The only benefit to Top gear is to quickly find what pieces you want to equip/enchants/gems. But the actual highest damage combination of gems/gear/enchants can only be found by simming each different setup you have with Stat Weights until you find the highest damage.

Maybe you don’t care about getting 45 extra damage from doing more sims(alot more sims), but saying Top gear is accurate is just plainly wrong. Ravenholdt guide only recommends it because its the easiest way to sim your character.

This is exactly what top gear does.

For this, you misquoted me. I was repeating what they said about stat weights. What i said after is my interpretation of it. I’m sorry if this was not clear.

This is what that misquoted statement was referring to.

If I have to move away from the boss due to mechanics several times a fight, tell me how is that going to ever be 99% up time?

Lets say you use stat weights and it tells you that haste is your best stat. You gem and enchant all your gear haste and run stat weights again. Now it tells you crit is your best stat and so you maybe change out 1 or 2 gems to crit. Now it tells you mastery is stronger than crit so you change 1 gem to mastery. Now it tells you crit is stronger than mastery and you can go back and forth and back and forth.

You know what accomplishes all that in 1 go? Top Gear. If you select every gem available and every enchant available it will find the best combination of enchants and gems to tell you the best way to set up your gear.

RNG is RNG on getting mechanics, but if you look at all the top logs and all the top dps there is a 99% active dps time which is what you should be shooting for. This will account for more DPS than choosing between a crit gem or a mastery gem ever would.

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Right off of the Raidbots Stat Weights page:

“Stat Weights have several shortcomings. Direct sims like Top Gear, Droptimizer, or Gear Compare are usually better.”

Stat weights, when used with an addon like Pawn, are useful for quickly gauging if an an item is an upgrade. That 430 belt that just dropped might be higher ilevel than the 415 you’re wearing, but the stats might not be optimal. But with stat weight and Pawn you can quickly compare them. If they are close in value, use a sim. That new 430 when paired with a different cloak (or other item) might give you a higher boost overall.

Sims, like Raidbots and Ask Mr Robot, allow you to examine all of your gear and determine which combination has the best DISTRIBUTION of stats. This is the important part because stat values change as your gear set changes. This is probably more true with Rogues than any other class, because, at the moment, Crit, Haste and Mastery are all very close in value. So close that a single item can determine if you should use all haste gems or crit gems.

Helpful explanation from Ask Mr Robot: