Stats Crit Haste Mastery?

I see so many things I"m confused on the Stats for Ret Paladin, Sims say Mastery like hardcore, but I look at higher Mythic Plus Pallys and they have like 30 crit, 60 Haste, 32is mastery but Crit and Haste they take tons am I missing something that I didnt read? And yes they are Templar Paladins.

At high mastery level, the DPS value of each stats flatens between them.

Where are you looking this up?

The blizzard characther page messes up the % on stats.

Haste stat is bugged in armory. They have around 11-13% haste on Templar. You get haste from crusade.

Once you reach 30+% crit on templar, you start to pump.

So 30% crit dont worry about haste much and Mastery

No, sim your pieces.

Get the Simc addon
Go to raidbot and sim your pieces…

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It all depends on whether your playing Crusading Strikes or Templar Strikes i think. For auto-attack heavy Crusading Strikes you need around 20% Haste, after that it mostly gravitates into equal allocation of Crit/Mastery. With Templar Strikes you need a ton of Mastery. I may be wrong but since i just started my Pally back up i may be wrong or outdated on info.

Not even, napkin math doesn’t check out.

It feels much smoother to play at 20% but if you sim the pieces it will let you drop haste to like 12% and tell you pieces with crit mastery are better.


I wish haste was stronger :rofl:

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30% crit cutoff for templar m+. After that is a mix of mastery/haste depending on strikes talents you take.
Simple as that.

Yeah, the haste stat on the armory is bugged- nobody is running around with 60% haste. Simming is always best, but beyond that if you get your 4 piece and pair it with as many mastery/crit pieces as you can get you’ll generally be ok.

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Gear crit/mast
Gem crit/mast
Enchant crit
You basically cant go wrong.

From what I’ve gathered, even on WoWhead, Mastery is king (other than Strength).

It really feels like crusade is lowering the value of haste because as I replace haste with crit my numbers have been going up up up.

Also shadow binding knife simmimg higher than sac by a good 10k dps was a real wtf moment.

Not just that, the fact that we have so much HP generation and that some talents straight up don’t scale with haste just lower it even more.

Real simple. Sim your gear. My pally sitting at 25% crit with more from pots gems etc. so much fun lol! It gets tricky when you’re in between heroic and Mythic gear…. Especially like me not being able to go above 4/8M.

Nope, you are right on the money except for the equal allocation to the Crit/Mastery part means Mastery scales higher with less rating because you get base #% to mastery with no gear also one of your BiS trinkets rather that be Khronos or Crystal Shard will give you enough mastery when u need it on min/half CD.