I have no idea why all my stats are really low. Ilvl 550 Shadow. Seems super weak against anything,even a single regular mob can take a third of my health before it dies. Mastery is my highest percent at around 11%. No rez sickness or gear needing repair. Completely baffled as to why. I have reset talents,switched out gear and nothing makes any difference. Feels like I am playing with no gear on at all.
Because you’re the equivalent of being ilvl 330 at the start of dragonflight.
You have no gear, none of us do.
I wondered why,ok. It went from doing just fine to a slump when I hit 80. Leveling went fine and then it was like slowly to 9%,11%,9% on my main stats.
That’s the beginning of an expansion for ya. It’ll get better as time goes on, but don’t expect to be back up to ~40% haste any time soon.
The content will be scaled to the expected power level we are now. Once epics roll in, it’ll feel comparably strong.
how? I am 556 at soloing almost everything including elites. Literall 0 issues as shadow
I’m not having much trouble either, but the lower stats do feel quite noticeable as far as casting speed and such go.
I’m not having trouble but I’m equally not having fun. Shadow as a spec is proportionally as fun as your haste stat so early expansion is always a bit trash.
I have 8% haste and it feels bad.
We won’t get decent secondary stats until were in Mythic iLvl.
You seem pretty knowledgeable about the game, I’d like to hear your thoughts:
No one has haste right now, so everyone’s gcd should be right around 1.5 seconds right now.
This happens every expansion start and I’ve always thought, this seems like it wouldn’t affect melee/ele/boomy as much since they have all the instants. Meanwhile feral, sin and especially aff and sp seem to take a much harder hit, no?
Our cast time is increased, compared to instant melee hits, and our dots tick way slower, again compared to say templars verdict.
It isn’t until usually s3 or s4 until shadow starts feeling closer to optimal. Why is that do you suppose, or am I over looking something ?
You are indeed overlooking a lot of things. Most spec’s resource generation is tied to haste in some way, mostly through hasted cooldowns.
The idea of “early game” and “late game” specs is kinda dead. The only time shadow is notably consistently weak is right now, right at the start of an expansion.
Besides that it’s weak when it’s weak, and there’s nothing systemic causing that.
The stat increase were going to see once were at max mythic iLvl is going to be massive which is what it’s always like in S1. A mythic piece has double the stats of a normal mode piece of loot.
We’ll be sitting at around 6-7 mil hp and our secondary stats will be significantly higher.
It’s just going to take 2.5-3 months to get there.
This is a major factor for me to play my Demon Hunter first as I am now at level 80 with crap gear like everyone else but I can still just group up a whole bunch of mobs and manage it just fine with all the burst damage I can put out and in turn all the self healing I need that also doubles as both additional resources to keep pumping and as extra healing and absorbs.
This is with the Aldrachi Reaver Hero Path.
Personally, ill play for a bit but then going on a break till next major content patch with the catch up gear while I go play some games coming out soon that I’ve been following for a while.
But its nice getting the majority of the story and quests all done to make my return easier to slip into quickly.
Ok. If our damage is tied to vt and vt is ticking slower, but say eviscerate is still hitting just as hard, there’s a gap, no?
Like I understand in this scenario, it would take the rogue a little longer to get to five combo points, But they’re closer hits just as hard in the early expansion as it will At the end of this expansion, comparatively speaking of course.
Like obviously it will hit harder numbers wise at the end, but in relation to the content, it will be about the same. However, we will get more vt tics a minute in a year from now, compared to current content
Does that make sense? I guess I’m still not wrapping my head around how classes like affliction and shadow are gimped a little bit at the beginning compared to other classes
It is not.
That’s what you’re missing, here.
While our dot tick rate may be lower, their energy/rage/whatever gen is also lower with lower haste. And they’re going to have way lower crit, mastery, and agi.
Also Spriest dots are not the majority of their damage anymore either.
Isn’t that the truth! Dp one season, apparitions the next, vampiric touch the next. It seems like it’s never the same.
Is every class like that?
And to respond to your point, I understand all the words you’re saying, but let me try it this way:
A warr and sp both have a gcd of 1.5 seconds. The warr presses a cd and damage happens instantly.
Meanwhile, a sp cast is slower at the start of the expansion and on top of that, its dots are ticking slower.
All things being equal, the sp is taking just as long to generate insanity as the warrs rage, but the warr is ready to press the next cd at the end of the 1.5 second gcd, while the sp just finished up a cast
Comparing 1:1, that doesn’t seem significant, but over the course of a 30min key or 2 min arena game, it seems to me that the warr is getting a significant amount more gcds off?
Again, everything you’re saying makes total sense, but does what I’m saying make sense?
So not only is the sp getting less gcds out because of cast time overlapping with the gcd timer, but the dots will also tick slower, while the warrs filler hits will hit just as hard comparatively, as at the end of the season.
Not in terms of numbers, but in terms of content
The most noticeable comparison imo is taking a look at a 1vs1 PvP setting like and duel or small skirmish.
At let’s say 50% haste, the Priest can get most of its casts off with very few instances of being stopped via a hard interrupt or something that forcibly moves the priest which will stop his hard cast.
But at let’s say 10% haste or lower, that priest will have an tremendously more difficult time getting casts off as those interrupts and stops basically are an aspect to the class/specs kit and not really affected by haste but instead by a hard set timed cooldown. Meaning it’s much easier for the opponent to win vs the priest.
What this means is that if the most meaningful amount of damage comes from your hard casts then having low haste will affect you a lot more than other classes because even in a PvE setting, you are forced to move often and possibly you won’t get a single cast off for multiple seconds and if you got no cast off, you were basically worthless.
Compared to someone like a melee where they don’t cast and have auto attacks and possibly rage/energy generation, those become passive even if slower with low haste. Meaning they will still be effective to some degree vs being completely worthless if you relied on hard casting most of the time.
Yea there’s that too. I didn’t even consider that. Kicks will have alot more value at the beginning of an expansion as opposed to the end. Casters get less casts out over a period of time, while kick remains 15 seconds
It doesn’t impact pve. It might impact PvP for the reason aneurysm mentioned.
For PvE though you’re over thinking it.
War and Rogue build their resource through auto attacks too. Auto attack speed and generation increases with Haste.
Their generation is affected about as much as our DoTs are affected (which is not really that much all things considered - haste is more for GCD/hasted CDs/Cast times than anything). And realistically our DoTs scale with haste the same a Rogue’s finishers scale with Mastery. You’re simultaneously overthinking the whole situation while also biasing your view towards dots.
If you want to get real pedantic, then dispelling our DoTs in PvP is slower because GCDs have to be used on dispels too.
Basically everything is weaker. We are not more impacted than anyone else by secondaries being lower.
6-7 mil HP and my heals will hit it for wet noodle still.