Static spear quaking interaction

the hotfixes from December 15th say:
" 1. The Nokhud Offensive
Balakar Khan
Players pulled by Static Spear are no longer affected by Quaking."

This seems to not be working correctly, because today, December 17th, this still happens.

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lol ofc theres no response on this.

quaking is back out this week and static spear is still wiping groups when quaking goes off

but at least we got the trader post and cobalt exp got nerfed! Thanks for the priorities blizz!

This definitely still occurs, just depleted a key because quaking exploded at the exact second we all got sucked in and it wiped our group. I even clipped it, lol.

Can’t edit but adding my clip under the correct character:

Same. Bricked a 20 due to this .7 seconds From spear pulling in to quaking going off