State of Warrior Utility

As I was reading the 11.0.5 class changes, I was hoping and praying that Warrior would find itself getting some love.

We got 4 bullet points - which itself isn’t necessarily bad, Warriors are actually in a pretty decent place right now. However, is there a reason Warriors are the only class with such poor utility?

We don’t have:

  • Battle Rez
  • Lust
  • No dispel
  • Mobility

Battleshout is mediocre at best.

Trying to get invited or a spot on high level mythic+s was a nightmare last expansion (and previous expacs). The affixes destroy us.

I’m not asking to be the best class. I just want to have the same opportunity to do mythic+ at a higher level as every other class. At the very least, if we aren’t going to get more utility make our DPS higher to accommodate it.

I don’t have an answer or solution to this (besides the obvious, give us more utility!)

This sounds super whiny, but hoping some other warriors might be able to provide some possible solutions or their thoughts on this!

Only if the battle rez is shouting at a corpse till it wakes up

All you need is party spell reflect aka mass spell reflect and you’re golden because it’s unique and powerful.

I mean 30 second cooldown would be too busted so maybe 3 minute cooldown and BAM. You’re meta forever in caster dungeons.

Wait, Warrior has no mobility? I think we play different games.

Also, the affixes that were a problem for Warriors in the past have all been deleted.

Brother, my warrior has more mobility than my paladin or my DK.

My warrior has a battle Rez (engineering)

Battle shout / Rallying Cry (really good in general)

So many warriors didn’t know they could have used improve intimidating shout to take care of the ghost affix. (Main target was feared for longer). If you talented into the shattering throw as well you could do 2/3 waves of ghost meaning your healer had to dispel one on every pull and dispel and heal one every 3 pulls if you had No One Else do it.

Overall warriors have alot of utility but for some reason, the community doesn’t use it.

Obviously they will come with a DPS lost, but do you want to be useful or just zug zug ?