State of the game and RP

(Sorry if this topic has been repeated a bajillion times in the last little while; I’m not on the forums much)

I used to be a hardcore, full-time RPer between MG and WrA. A few years ago I went in a different direction and started pushing arenas and RBGs, so naturally I went to other servers.

With the game being in its current state, I’m curious to know what the RP scene is like. PvP is basically dead, I don’t PvE, and the only people still left on my friends’ list are RPers from way back when. Having been away for a few years, I’m VERY out of touch with this side of the WoW community and am trying to gauge how RP is faring at the moment. I’m looking for something to do in WoW, and am having an itch to get back into RP.

Is it worth coming back to MG for the RP scene, or s is suffering just as well as some other aspects of the game?

Thanks in advance for anyone who might be able to provide some honest insight :slight_smile:

There is active rp on both Alliance and Horde on MG if that is what you are looking for. As always, joining an active rp guild is a great way to plug into the rp scene quickly.

MG Horde is still the smaller of the two factions, all the same it has been rebuilding and is growing as a whole with fresh guilds taking the lead. MG Alliance is still a solid source of random for walk-up rp in Stormwind.

You will get from rp what you put into it. Have fun :slight_smile:


It it were me I would 100% check it out to scratch the itch. It is a little more quiet than usual. But there is a heap of larger guilds still very active. And Stormwind is starting to pop with life again.

The horde community as Banshih said is rebuilding and growing stronger everyday and I love to see it. Stormwind is always good for random chaos and walk-up RP. There is a heap of server events popping up all the time, such as dances and markets you name it.


I will add in my two cents here and third what both Banshih and Jetamio said. There is plenty of RP around here on both sides of the dial and events are always going on to keep you satisfied even if you are guildless. I’d highly encourage you to look at the MG Channel/Discord Server Listing Thread to find yourself some great discord server to join and find RP and community happenings outside of the forums here as well.

Best of luck and enjoy your stay!


RP is very much alive and well, especially in RP hubs like Lion’s rest and Cathedral square in SW, Goldshire, etc.

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From my experience, RP has been in a lull but not an extinction. There is and always has been an ebb and flow to the RP scene and it’s pop, but from what I can tell a lot of people just can’t connect their characters with the current expansion and have withdrawn a bit.

It’s ticking back up though, I think the good press with 9.1.5 is starting to drum up more generalized interest in the game and by extension people are drifting back to RP.

By no means is lull = dead though, if you want RP it won’t be hard to find. SW might not be booming but it sure is bustling if that makes any sense. And as always there are tons of RP guilds and server events going strong.


Limited is the best term I have to describe it.

As far as suffering goes, guilds are suffering. The number of guilds that are on the way to collapse is staggering to watch. More than a few guilds have been in a state of creative drought, had some dodgy events happen, or just been impacted by the recent state of WoW and its creators, to the point that many are circling the drain. More than a few are holding up “on hiatus” as a futile reassurance that it’s not over, while others have straight up collapsed. Some have even capitulated into the larger, older guilds, leading to big monopolies that just own whatever their niche is. Not good, in my opinion.

MG-H especially is running mostly on legacy. There isn’t really a lot of new blood running things; it’s old names and old guilds who still coordinate all the projects like they did back in 2019 or earlier. Conversely, I feel like legacy isn’t enough for MG-A anymore. A lot of the older guilds are hitting stagnation and just being “known” is no longer enough to keep them afloat.

Walk up is about the same as it was a year ago. Alliance has more of it, Horde has less. Alliance is more consistent, Horde exists on spontaneity. Alliance has more strangers, Horde is more tight-knit. Locations are about the same - got a few districts in Stormwind for walk up, Valley of Honor for Orgrimmar.

I think the meat of the RP right now is in server events that people host. They’re almost consistently active with solid turn out every time. Went to a Pandaren festival the other day that had a lot of people show up and a lot of stellar work put into it. Planning to go to the Month’s End Brawl tonight if I can help it, which almost always has a big selection of people on both factions.

In fact, most of the time, when people want to show how active their community or guild is? They post screenshots from scheduled and coordinated events.

So as far as my anecdotal “honest insight” goes, guilds are in a bit of a poor state, walk up is relatively unchanged and you can most likely get some cool stuff going there, and events are currently a good way to find active people to network with and make friends.


I know that my work schedule and personal life are sparratic at the moment so my online time varies, but honestly, I’m starting to think Moonguard Horde feels like it’s dead, yeah I read that there’s like events like once a month for some things, but I honestly think it feels almost like a ghost town.