State of rogue

rogue is actually so garbage. as someone who only plays rogue and has over 2k rating in arena. im not claiming im the best, nor the worst. just a guy who likes to play arena as a rogue. this is actually BS. every class had changes and improvements this update on tuesday. rogues got absolutely nothing. we didnt even make it to the patch notes infact. but to be in every single lobby trailing in dps by a minimum of 20%, even when we win the game, im still at the bottom of the dps. if i dont play 2 vanish, i get pumped every single lobby and cant even get them off me because my dps in return does nothing. so the only way to evevn have a chance, is literally to play 2 vanish and have 20-25% less dps than the closest guy to me so i can have that extra vanish to save my life. why would there be no updates to rogue if this is literally the state of sub rogue in arena? this game is a waste of time for a sub rogue at the moment. do better blizz. i look around the forums and all i see is similar complaints from other classes and even other game modes. mythic looks to be in the same state as arena and yet you are worrying about houses and updating racial ears… what the F are you doing. hire more devs and figure your stuff out. stop trying to have the worlds smallest team of devs for a game that has millions of players daily and brings in revenue for the company. FIX THIS GARBAGE.

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  • only plays rogue
  • level 32 demon hunter
  • surprisedpikachu.jpeg

You can have your damage back, but you now have 1 stun on a 45 second CD only instead of 47 single target CCs.

i cannot swap my profile for the past couple months for some reason. what does the profile im posting from have anything to do with the state of rogue in arena specifically. i dont play other modes, but im assuming it can be better in others like bg for example. but that isnt what i play and im also guessing, that there are also other people that do the same thing i do and find it wild 11.07 comes out with not a single change to rogue. insinuating that rogue is perfect and balanced, so no changes are needed, which is flat out delusional.

Assassination has been pretty S tier all throughout Season 1 of TWW, it just has a high skill ceiling.

Their rogue is indeed 2k rated, as sub. which might have a higher skill ceiling than assassination.

Sub doesn’t do great consistent dmg but has insane burst, which struggles in shuffle a bit more because you line up stuns with your go and someone ruining DR on CC can kill your gos. Sub is still a great spec vs many classes and is great team support. You can try playing assassination or outlaw if you prefer doing team dmg.

I can’t speak to performance but they’re killing it representation wise in RBGs.

I dont play pvp anymore, but im sure sub rogue is not doing that bad in arena