State of Resto Druid in Cata

So I quit playing initially when Cata came out due to going back to school, but given the min/max attitude, the lack of defensive raid CD and other things I worry greatly about the state of resto druid heading into Cata especially for 10M H grouping.

It was already tough in 10 and 25M in WoTLK and the numbers of rdruid in progression end game fights was 4x lower than HPala, 2x lower than disc priest and 1.2-1.5x lower than rsham I feel like Cata is just going to be worse for the state of the class I love to play.

Any insights others who did play Cata would be very welcome so I can prepare myself.

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it’s the same thing as usual.

Rdruid can heal 10s just fine, they’ll likely be the preferred 3rd healer in heroic prog

They aren’t the meta comp choice so people will want to find an hpal and disc before inviting the rdruid in 10s


RDruid is perfectly viable for Heroic content, but meta is gonna do what meta does. People will gravitate to the “best” classes and only want to take them. With out the ability to cast Barkskin on another target I don’t see this changing.

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thank you this is what I was thinking which makes me so sad for the state of the class I really love to play. there shouldnt be a reason that each healer shouldnt have an equally viable raid CD, but sigh 2 expansions in a row being relegated to no group or boomkin 3/4 of the time…

If you are in a guild group, play what you want. They are strong in Cata and do a lot of things well. However you may find difficulty in PUGs unless the meta shifts (which it could, it’s all a guess right now)

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10 mans are far more unforgiving comp and play wise and I think a lot of more casual guilds are in for a serious reckoning.

25s by comparison have a lot of leeway comp wise and space for most specs

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even in guild groups there are going to be challenges for many I think sadly.

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Rdruid mostly casts wrath and wild growth in 25m

You’re there for tranq cd and innervate basically.

In 10man, it’s a decent tank healer

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Thank you, but I suppose how do you get over the meta-slave culture to allow for people to take you I suppose is the issue most of us rdruid fans willbe suffering with. WG and wrath doesnt sound terribly exciting :stuck_out_tongue:

Resto is one of the best healers in Cata once Firelands comes around since they will have more choices for gear for mastery, Tranquility and Tree of Life are both some of the best healer CD’s as well.
So yes they are very much viable.

do we think this will hold true given they are starting on last patch for balance where rdruids had been nerfed quite a bit to my understanding

tranquility is insanely powerful, resto druid is very strong on a lot of t11 fights so far, on a lot of fights i straight up have more output than any of the other healers, 350 ilevel vs heroic 25 mans

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I returned to playing my disc priest. Resto druid is benched.

They will look good in charts so most monkey brains will think your a god.

I did 10m heroic firelands on this toon we had 2 resto druids and we only got stuck on rag. It’s do able but definitely not meta.
I think heroic baelroc or whatever the bridge guy in firelands had a healer check with the crystals you have to soak and it wasn’t bad at all

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ideally to make rdruid reasonably competitive they would likely need a raid CD that mitigates dmg from barkskin castable on the tanks or a glyph making mushrooms mitigate rather than heal

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