State of queues tonight

jungle cleave andys every game

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yeah what kinda monster would want to run jungle

edit: would you like to know the arcane knowledge of posting links without tl3

im surprised triple destro lock with 4 set and resolve trinkets hasnt taken off yet

Haha, wow.

Finding a Feral can be difficult.

finding one that plays early morning (est) that isn’t just mongoloid damage focused is worse

sorry if that’s sarcasm
tone in text is weird to see sometimes

Ahh jungle (and RMX), the two comps of slands that have been s++ and somehow have avoided any meaningful nerfs the entire expansion.

You must pump out the HPS, I hate hate hate healing a warrior against a jungle. Warriors melt to them.

how do u post links sometimes i can but sometimes it wont let me

past 3 expansions

my spriest can give him 40% damaage reduction and dispel some of my cc which helps alot


blizzard forum rep

YouTube and wowhead are whitelisted but for anything else you gotta be trust level 3

edit: hold on my brain is breaking

How do I farm this rep

being here
sec ill pull up the relevant threads, I’m actually going to look at one of them cus I forgot how to forum

covers everything I believe
and my original post was correct, not sure why discourse told me to get bent

so basically until you hit tl3, you use ` before and after links to remove the hyperlink

o you have to put 3 of them


like this ? GOOGLE.COM
edit: i got it ty

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Dang WPP is that good? Impressed with the win loss vs jungle.

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Na its A tier at best, just like last season arms shadow was…

Stop the cap. As a feral main we’ve gotta admit when our comps are op cov