State of MW Monk

rdruid is gonna be the best healer in the game when everyone is full bis


I hope so cause i suck at rdruid

You better figure it out. Rolling a Fury Warrior.

Nerf Overflowing Mists! too strong.

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Guess ill transfer to moon guard and start hanging around middle schools to become a true rdruid main


If you roll a fury, I’ll lose whatever innocence I have left.

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I was JK. Switching from Holy to Disc on a class I’ve played for years is about as FoTM as Ima get. lol Not even as a point of pride, I’m just a dopey, boomer who sucks and can’t take on the mental load of having to learn something else.


bumping this because mistweaver needs to be decapitated

yeah get mad about it mw is broken nothing you say changes this fact sorry lil guy

yeah i never denied MW wasnt insane im telling you that disc is just as broken and in some situations even better than mw and you have said nothing to disprove this fact. Sorry little buddy! good luck with 1700 solo shuffle bm hunter adventures.!

one day of troll posting not enough attention for you little buddy :face_holding_back_tears:?

keep coping covered in sweat dripping on your keyboard searching peoples alts trying to ignore the fact mistweaver is ruining pvp you sad forum troll hahahahhaha

You poor thing :frowning: . Wait until you find out how it takes 5 seconds to plug your name into checkpvp hahahaha

mommy and daddy didnt give you enough attention? sad little troll :slight_smile:

enjoy being an ornament on my forum post because nothing y

says the guy addicted to my forum post that can’t get attention making your own hahahahahhaha

Hey look! I think its trying to tell me something!

Says the guy addicted to responding to me because you are so distressed you made a clown of yourself ahahahahaa

its my post you are just a small part of it

and getting used without realizing it to keep my post relevant so please keep going lol

yikes projecting

yet another person who attaches their self worth and ego to their arena rating you are a very sticky individual

you are free labor lol

trying to stay relevent and act important on world of warcraft forums because you arent relevent irl?

attentionhungry much?

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thank you Blocboy