State of MW Monk

Let the class be strong, it should be. There’s no reason to make it “unplayable”. The concept of going OOM needs to be reintroduced to MW in order to bring it back down to the level every other healer is on. You cannot allow MW to transcend stuns, have a cocoon for every go, huge mobility/kiting, healing through pillars AND never go OOM. Let them have everything they have now but they need to run out of mana at the same rate resto shamans do, which is the solution to any healer being overpowered. This will make it so the team with a MW is actually has to proactively set up kills instead of infinite forgiveness and pve’ing their way through arena matches. It is disgusting and the antithesis of what pvp is all about.

Strong heals + needing to zoom zoom away fro a drink is how I imagined MW… But strong heals + infinite mana = no bueno.


rsham and mw mana is already pretty even unless the rsham is pressing healing surge 20 times

what makes MW so good is restoral while stunned and overflowing mists

thing is in real 3s MW isnt even the best healer. Its disc priest. In solo shuffle the damp ramps up so fast and people dont coordinate any proper cross CC so the mw just out PVEs everyone. Also life cacoon is the best button in solo shuffle. you literally can’t go through it even in deep damp

MW is by far stronger than disc priest precisely because priest has to spam heal and blow their mana at a much faster rate whereas MW statically outheals damage and has incredibly strong defensives on very low cooldowns. This paired with a caster meta literally turns arena into a mythic plus dungeon where casters pve their way to winning. The only time disc priest surpasses a mw monk is in RMP where the game does not last long enough and they can close out a win before deep damp

lol this is wrong. A full mastery disc priest that is pressing power word solace off cooldown is outmanaing every MW. Disc literally has the best mana in the game.

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You are completely missing the point that disc priest is far more susceptible to getting controlled and kicked on casts where MW just isn’t. The issue of going OOM matters way more for a MW because they hardly have to exert themselves to catch up their team where disc priest can fall behind and not catch back up just by virtue of being CC’d. Stop trying to make a facetious argument. Disc priest can’t cast through pillars like MW do, they can’t transcend stuns, they don’t have a low cd rootbreak, they can’t teleport and they can’t cast spells without fear of never being interrupted. I am not saying disc isn’t good, I am saying that as a ladder queuing healer mistweaver outperforms disc priest in almost every way and in every bracket. If you disagree you aren’t playing the game

greater fade
pain supp while stunned

brother what the hell are you saying LMAO. MW has only 1 school to cast from and cant heal if you kick them(at all). Disc has 3 schools to cast from. If you kick penance they can press radiance or mind control.

disc has the most cooldowns in the game to stop enemy momentum as they are coming out of CC. Radiance and pws and pwl save the day every time.

You are clueless beyond belief making a statement like this.

MW perma immune to interupts ???

low mmr ladder mw is defenitly superior. Also is the best healer in solo shuffle.

I have been queueing on literally every healer except for pres evoker. The only think you have been doing is spamming 1800 shuffles on bm hunter


greater fade lasts 2 seconds you just juke it

going to death a stun? that’s neat you definitely play priest

pain supp 3 minute cd with 40% reduction vs a 60% absorb that is a hardstop to all damage and increases hots healing by 50%

Hence why it is so easy to juke kicks, you cast it for a second then stop casting it. Yikes you are a bit slow not understanding this mechanic

Still not as powerful as cocoon with the amount of purge in the game

Yeah let me cast this flash of light through the pillar

no like I stated before they can easily juke kicks then get precog and continue overhealing

there’s more people queuing at a lower mmr hence why i said that so idk why you are reiterating this fact but ok

i don’t sit around playing wow on 10 different alts no lifing so I play the class i enjoy most which is not the strongest in a caster meta, and no ones spamming shuffles with 50 minute queue times we don’t all play healer to get carried and sit around talking on the forums to people trying to improve the game when mw monks are clearly broken

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This is the first time I’ve seen a paragraph this large where I think every sentence has something wrong in it. That’s impressive.


yeah all the other posts about mw monk are wrong too i’m sure. where are the posts about disc priest being over powered? oh… nonexistent

dude is so mad he’s typing up a thesis furiously sweating on his keyboard hahahahahah

The disc cna just juke your juke then your go is over.

Who said this?

with pain supp CDR talent discs get at least 3 pain supps off per game.

you can just hold your kick most of the game and then use it when it matters most. Yikes i didnt know you were actually so bad that MWers just juke you off cooldown ahahaha.

Yeah but you are getting off at least 2 raptures and 3 pain supps + a dome off in an average arena game.

Nobody is talking about paladins?

theres more of everything at lower mmr that doesnt affect on what is and is not superior.

300 rounds deep with 50 min queues you sound like a no lifer to me.

Bm hunter not strong in caster meta? ur deep frying me. You literally auto win by sitting max range PVEing. You are likely stuck 1800 because you keep trying to push in for traps when you dont need to.


restoral just needs to not interact with peaceweaver
(on top of being disgusting it’s implied that it isn’t supposed to work anyways)

protector of the frail should remove PS being usable in stuns and the pw:s ps cdr should be nerfed to 1 second in PvP if the talent has to stay at all
AND disc should get a minor template mastery value nerf

(same with enhancement/sub/devoker and a few others doing egregious things with the new gearing system/expansion stat pacing)

nah make MW unplayable. disgusting spec

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OP lol get you facts straight eh and listen to Jimmy he is actually lot higher than you in any bracket and has correct facts when it comes to MW vs DISC.
DISC as good as MW atm.

Imagine hiding behind Jimmy to make your point. Pathetic.

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It’s very simple. If your comp can’t punish a MW pve healing on a pillar,
MW will cook you.

If you can CC them, kick them, dispel EM, they will fall behind

For MW to heal in perfect conditions, it needs globals to ramp. Soothing into vivifys and EM to stack clouded mist for mana reduction and increased healing. Making them break their soothing by moving is a mana loss for them. They want to channel soothing and throw at least 3 vivs/EM


Biased obviously, but that sounds REALLY rough in a meta like this honestly. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad in practice :thinking:

Perhaps the other specs having their mastery looked at would help offset the problem, since that would hopefully mean less 100-0s in micro cc

Buff rdruid


Buff shockadin