State of Mistweaver PVP - Shadowlands (Week 1)

Holy Priest is always the least loved PVP healer. I do not care about MW which has been spoiled since its inception.

First of all, thank you for taking the time to get that information brought on the forums!

I believe blizzard purposely did this to keep WW as the top monk pvp spec. I have played priest, paladin, and druid in arena and its obvious MW is in a sad state. I am getting 1-2 shot by classes with 202ilvl and 22% vers at the 1300 range in arena. I can’t seem to get over 1400 but my other classes can easily. You can only run away for so long until a melee nukes you in 1-2 hits. I have no chance to survive a rogue opener because they just stun you to death with high burst. Even if you trinket out your dead because you have no other abilities to get you out of a stun. Our main defensive should be allowed to be used during a stun to mitigate the damage to survive but you can’t do anything. I would rather quit than main any other healer because I enjoy this class role a lot. If Blizzard has any ethics they will balance it out because its only fair to serve the people who are paying your salary. If your paying for a service you should get quality service and in this circumstance a fair chance to play what you like not what they want you to play.

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No MW buffs this week either peoples.

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Fix their abilities that undermine basic mechanics of the game (RoP not DRing properly, Healing Spheres not incurring the penalties from dispel protection, etc) THEN talk about this mess of a spec being brought out of the grave.
Til then, good F*ing riddance.

It’s just so bad. Even if you said everything else is equal… disc gets mindgames and can actually do some offense. MW has to try Rsk something but getting close to anything in this meta is really a bad idea. It’s just awful.
MW only non viable healing spec. disgusted…

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bump 10 charzards

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Someone warned me at the beginning of Shadowlands to not hold your breath for updates and that if your spec is bad now, it will be bad all xpac. Glad I took their advice to learned how to play Windwalker. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to push rbgs as MW (currently at 1750 and it’s getting more difficult).

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i had to change to hpal :sob:

Still waiting for blizzard to make mistweavers playable in PvP….


Bump, still die immediately in a stun.

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its been 5 months/22 weeks/155 days/3,710 hours/222,624 minutes/13,357,496+ sec since the release of sl and i can say, mw is bad


it’s so weird when Blizzard says they have all tools and levers to adjust pvp as needed, yet there hasn’t been anything significant done…

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bring back legion way of the crane


Sooo, Maybe Season 2 will be our chance to be relevant? It’s so frustrating, even with the state of the PVP this expansion I know there is so much potential for this game. PVP literally feel neglected as this point.

When will BruceTea return >.<

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what is the current MW representation since 9.0.5?

let MW bubble while stunned

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Let MW use life cocoon while stunned and add back the PVP talent that makes roll remove snares.

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Let MW die in piece, dev team and their management are missing in action since second season of BFA.

Healing sphere is fine as it is. When our main throughput CD also gets us 1 shot by dispel protection and is rendered completely useless, I think it’s fine to have healing sphere compensate for that. It requires you to position the orb, it requires your partner to actually recognize it and walk into it, and it has a decent mana cost - that and you give up a talent spot for it.

I could be wrong but I don’t think any other spec has CDs that are completely unusable because of something like dispel protection.

Stopped reading after this. No, it isn’t. MAYBE if it had a longer CD or something like that, but as it stands, no. There’s no reasonable argument for how unoutplayable this is for certain specs. Aff lock pretty much autoloses vs any MW that takes (and uses) this ability because their entire spec is based on UA allowing them to maintain DoT uptime.

There’s no excuse for an ability undermining the fundamental mechanics of the game like this.