Cross posting from the Beta forum for those who don’t have access.
For much, I agree with these.
I find that the list is pretty thin considering how many abilities returned to us are simply not intended to be used, for w/e reason, depending on your spec.
That however is a bigger problem, which stems from the fact that we now as a class have to deal with design elements that have to account for specs that focus on ranged weapons as well as a spec that relies on melee weapons.
And in order for certain utility/damaging abilities to work for all specs, we have to design them to work differently depending on the spec chosen.
Having said that, here are some non-damage based abilities I would want back on a class-wide basis, as part of this new focus on “class fantasy”.
Aspect of the Fox(WoD-edition) - just modified a little in order to not heavily promote class stacking, something similar to how Bloodlust/Sated works for us.
Distracting Shot - with the addition of allowing it to interact with Misdirection. Meaning we can get more use out of Misdirection even when playing BM in group-based content.
Master’s Call - should return as a baseline ability, and thus, be replaced by something else for the Cunning-specialization. In short, if we have a pet out, no matter what pet it is, we should have access to Master’s Call.
Yeah, they should just remove the damage component and keep it strictly for the utility as a situational ability(mostly for certain use in PvP).
Posthaste has pretty much been the go-to for all but some niche situations, despite the continued nerfs it has seen as of late.
Yes, it should become a baseline passive effect baked into Disengage.
I find that it leaves some things to be desired for BM as well. Will get to that later on.
Yep, take it back down to the 2s. It wasn’t in need of a change.
Very much so. I find that Specializations involve you as the hunter and how you guide your pet in combat. That IMO should not be restricted depending on what pet is used.
Pet special abilities should be locked to specific pet-types(as they are themed after individual pet families). But abilities and effects tied to the specializations, aren’t. And therefor, should not be locked.
Haven’t had access to alpha/beta so, haven’t been able to try them myself until now. But from what has been reported/shown so far, I agree.
Better than what we have now, but still not good enough IMO.
Or well, I guess it would depend on how long you’d lose it after taking damage.
Yep. Agreed.
Looking at Beast Mastery
Mostly, I find that Beast Mastery suffers from issues involving it’s talent choices. However…looking at what we can find on beta atm:
- The change to Bestial Wrath where they added a direct damage component to it, currently it just feels horrible every time you are about to engage in combat. If it had a baked in charge-mechanic for your pet(s) like Kill Command and Barbed Shot does, it would be fine.
Tier 15
Animal Companion - should be replaced by something else and instead be made into a baseline choice for us. Similar to what they did with Lone Wolf for Marksmanship, going into BfA. Allow us to manually call out 2 pets at once. And if we do, each pet deals 50% of normal damage each. If we only use 1 pet, that pet deals 100% damage.
Make it a choice of aesthetic preferences, not one of damage.
Dire Beast - They should just revert this back to it’s Legion design for those of us who prefered it over the Frenzy-mechanic(Barbed Shot). It was one of the best designed options we had as BM hunters for how to pick our desired theme/style of gameplay.
Tier 25
Scent of Blood - Looking at Bestial Wrath when combined with the altered talent Scent of Blood, again, it makes the gameplay feel very awkward.
You basically have a choice of: Use Bestial Wrath first, possibly losing out on the direct damage hit as the pet might not be near the target. This will waste the initial benefit you gain from Scent of Blood as you already have 2 stacks of Barbed Shot. But at least you don’t waste the cooldown reduction on Bestial Wrath by using Barbed Shot first. You can reverse the order of the actions above and that would ofc also reverse the issues. But it would fix neither.
Possibly the best solution to this: Add the previously mentioned Charge-mechanic to Bestial Wrath by default. And, allow the bonus charges granted when using the talent Scent of Blood to stack independently of the base charge count of Barbed Shot. Meaning if you have 1-2 charges of Barbed Shot and use Bestial Wrath, you’d then end up having 3-4 charges of Barbed Shot.
Tier 35
Spitting Cobra - Finally fixed mechanically after…4+ years of not working.
But due to the Focus cost of Cobra Shot(even after the returned Rank 2), yeah…it doesn’t make the gameplay feel that good, if you ask me.
Thrill of the Hunt - This is ofc useful, but is quite bland/uninteresting in it’s design.
A Murder of Crows - Should be made into a baseline ability for Beast Mastery.
Add in a talent which makes the ability interact with Kill Command, if picked.
Example: Kill Command extends the remaining duration of A Murder of Crows by X seconds every time it’s used.
Tier 45
Stomp - Still has it’s problems where it’s used even when the pet isn’t in range of the target yet.
Barrage - If you ask me, this is just a horrible ability, thematically, for Beast Mastery. It’s practical sure, but it does not fit the fantasy at all.
I would want this to be replaced by a talent which focuses on Kill Command. Allowing Kill Command to benefit from Beast Cleave as well.
Stampede - They changed/reduced it’s cooldown down to 2 minutes. Still, I find that this ability lacks the engaging momentum in it’s design which we saw with the old version that involved your stabled pets.
In short, I want the old version back. And it should be moved up to Tier 50, in the place of Bloodshed(see below).
As for filling the empty talent slot on the AoE-tier, I would argue that a version of an ability where your pet deals damage to multiple targets, similar to old Dire Frenzy, but for AoE, would do the job.
Tier 50
Aspect of the Beast - Again, a talent which is useful/practical but does not really do much for the gameplay.
I still think the talent needs something more.
Killer Cobra - Is in itself an interesting talent. I prefer how things worked with this during Legion though. Where Cobra Shot only interacted with Kill Command during Bestial Wrath, and not baseline at all times. At least it made this talent feel much better for me when picked.
Bloodshed - Due to what I suggested above with Animal Companion, I would argue that this talent should be moved to the first tier(15) in the place of AC.
With the above, this would allow us to have 2 options which focuses on our main pet, and on making that pet stronger. Meanwhile, for those of us who want to, we still have Dire Beast as an alternative focus.
And like I said above, Stampede should be changed back to it’s original form and then moved here.