They did well this past phases because most boss interactions are stationary, meaning they can utilize the hell out of fire ele. With ICC and the amount of movement, and DTPS, AND our only survivability CD being used for a DPS CD (you know we min maxing out here) is just pure grief from the developers. Strongly encourage attaching nova to the actual elemental - would be cool to have a pet bar attached to that sucker as well but the nova would be a vast improvement - along with a look at the t10 set bonus perhaps - aswell as a stam boost. This would put us in a competitive spot. Not miles above the rest.
Normally, I would agree with you. But most players are just complaining about their classes to complain, or because they are 3rd or 4th and not 2nd or 1st on some rankings page. The issue with enhancement shaman is an actual problem. The issue with fire elemental, survivability, the t10 set bonus being actual cringe grief, and poor weapon itemizations - such as not having the proper OH to support physical WF MH, or not having SP weapons with appropriate speeds to match the melee OH shows just how lacking the class developers are with understanding their own game. It is the players that have squeezed the information out to get the best possible results we can, and yet we are denied when needing real actual change, not some cringe buff because we aren’t first or second, third or fourth, but instead completely last, almost to the point of likely not being rostered since our utility can be gained elsewhere. AP Buff from Blood DK tank, Haste from FDK. Along with the haste buff from frost DK being 100 yds too our WF’s measly 30 yd range (another note is totem range is actually cursed, 30yds is far to small, and dropping totems constantly is another reason not to bring an enhancement since their GCD’s are used dropping totems). There are so many solutions to bringing this class to even a competitive level alone. They fixed rets no problem, and are putting enhancement into the same spot rets would have been in come this phase. I think it is about darn time Enhancements spoke up. We’ve sat back and listened to nearly every other dps class cry and whine, while we’ve taken it on the chin (literally, we’re quite squishy).
ele is terrible in cata
spellhance isn’t a supported spec.
One wonders how anyone managed in OG Wrath.
i beg to differ
Again, the devs have 0 clue what they made when they made classes. Just proves this further.
We should have just been allowed to wear plate, and tank right from vanilla beta.
I’m not against your MH weapon Ideas as long as it doesn’t affect 2H. Some of us still like to keep this tradition alive.
Wouldn’t affect 2h if they fixed 1h for Shamans, weapons would be the lesser of fixes needed. We need 4 fixes to make us competitive or even matter in a raid anymore. Survivability - more stam. Our t10 set bonus being changed to something actually good, not hindering us, by using our one defensive CD as an offensive CD. like duh, i thought the devs didn’t care before, I realize now they are just bad at wow. Our fele needs nova attached to the ele not the totem, and lastly make our friggen totems from 30yd range to like 60yd range at the least. We are literally gonna be removed from our rosters at this point.
Couple ideas maybe?
Glyph of Fire nova ALSO makes fire nova go off on fire ele location.
Glyph of Windfury changed from 2% to 10% (maybe higher tbh)
Pick almost any enhance talent and buff it lol. We need something, i’ve done all the minmax meta gaming bs and enhance is still going to fall behind to the point they won’t even take us.
If anything get in touch with Stormrat, he posted earlier. Dude knows it all for enhance.
TOGC made enhance look like its in far better shape than what it is in reality. Low movement and mainly cleave fights really boosted our DPS up for this phase. Thats all about to change in ICC and we’re gonna be on life support for a raid spot. Heres hoping Stooki’s post doesnt fall on deaf ears and we dont wither on the vine until Cata.
Survivability buff would be poggers so I’m not always floor POV for getting hit by avoidable mechanics
I feel like in WOTLK Enh peaked in ulduar, the maelstrom tier bonus was insane. It actually made it feel more fun to play because you didn’t sit for 10 seconds waiting for your last maelstrom proc.
Fire Ele should absolutely be a manually controlled moving fire nova. Losing a tremendous amount of DPS due to positioning and not being able to do anything about it is awful. Not to mention, if you’re out of range for fire nova it just feels strange to stop using it.
The spell power pre proc for best results itself is a testament that enh should be buffed. People are legit using a TBC headpiece, dying curse, and resto sham trinket among whatever else just to get every ounce of SP they possibly can for fire ele. I don’t see how a super complex class like feral can get such an insane buff, yet the best enh gets is fire ele reset.
Sham rage on cooldown itself just sounds bad, sham rage is meant to be for damage reduction/ mana battery basically as we all know. It’s going to feel rough to have to use it constantly for a damage buff or otherwise lose a ton of DPS, while also jeopardizing our survivability.
I mean we’re not asking for a dps buff like other classes we’re just looking for a quality of life changes like with hunters and their trap launcher. The main issue with enhancement lies with its survivability and the way T10 changes one of our only defensive cd into a dps cd. The simplest and laziest fixed is by giving our tier more stamina so that we can reach over 30k+ hp with raid buffs and we’re on par with other melee classes healthpools,and this way it doesn’t effect pvp. I agree with some of the top comments when they talk about fire nova rework with fire elemental. Having fire nova being casted from fire elemental itself is a nice change. Like imagine popping one of our biggest dps cds and being locked out from using nova when the boss gets moved away from our totem range, and nova is our 3rd highest damaging ability. It’s like popping gargoyle as an unholy DK but suddenly being locked out from using DnD, it feels bad no? Well that’s enhance life for you.
meanwhile feral was buffed 20% to god tier and they refuse to go through with a tiny nerf
enh will be absolute trash. I am hoping I can swap alts, but we might need the ap buff.
Rogue, fury, enhance are all dumping dps.
Need 10 ~20% buff.
If the feral can get huge buff, why not other dps?
that makes content too ez
just do the feral nerf, and maybe help enh
Time to push blizz to do their job!
a QOL suggestion would be for fire ele to snapshot your highest known spellpower. Meaning you don’t have to pre proc every single fight, it will just take the largest number no matter what.
I havent played enh very long, while spellhance has been enjoyable with how much cleave in togc there is, would be nice to see some kind of QOL or buff change to enh to accomidate wf enh to be playable again. outside of 2nd lust enh i feel like wont have much of a spot anymore with blood dk and mm hunter on the rise bringing the 10% buff. Loving the playstyle of enh but trying 100% harder and doing way less dps isnt too fun.
I have to agree with a lot of things, but the fire ele being weak and dying very easily on fights is huge grief. Massive really, they gave pets a 90% dam reduction in raids and such, but can’t be bothered to fix fire ele to make it more user friendly? Understand that it’s a guardian, but it needs a reworking. Attach nova to it, give it a pet bar and some survivability.