State of Aug in PVP

I haven’t played Aug in pve, but in pvp it is garbage. That being said I do find its rotation and play style fun, but its current tuning makes what you do feel like it barely matters. My hope is blizz adjusts tuning in pvp specfically to be more of a hybrid dps rather than support but based on 11.1 notes so far it does not seem likely to me.

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Aug has it’s 1 shot gimmick and honestly that’s the best you’ll get out of Aug pvp and frankly I’d rather this spec just not be a thing it’s horrible and wouldn’t want a s2 DF repeat where it pocket buffs whatever dps is S+


Yea I get that, just got 2.4 shuff on it and it really just plays around those goes and doesnt do much outside of it. That being said I had fun, but I definitely remember how terrible it was to fight in DF S2 and dont want that. I’d like it if Ebon might was just a self buff for burst and played a similar role to Dev.

With the current playstyle of Aug and how they have tuned it to just be a 30 second burst spec in PvP I don’t think Blizzard could balance this in a way where it’s not a gimmick. They’re removing our landslide stun next season and giving us even more burst damage, it’s probably just gonna be a s2 DF repeat.

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Landslide stun is being moved to pvp talents so will still be a thing, and with sleepwalk no cd baseline it should be useable