Stat squish for TWW? Health numbers well over 1million and climbing right now

so i’m going to agree with you on something you “hit on the head” very well with that is an issue with blizz and the ilvl scaling.

I’ve heard of linear scaling and exponential scaling. Years back I heard that blizz wanted to use exponential scaling so that every tier players would feel 5-10% stronger each step going up. But as you said does this not get us into these number issues we have today?

I say this because someone once said to me that going from 450ilvl to 460ilvl in the scaling does FAR more than going from 400 to say 420 just because of how the scaling works. And this is despite it being double the ilvl number.

I would completely step back from the stat squish if we had actual linear scaling straight through and did not have these massive numbers we have now because the linear scaling would take decades of expansions before ever coming to the numbers were at now.

Linear scaling doesn’t feel fun, so they don’t do it.

It’s a game, its for fun

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fun is subjective. i concede there are some that want numbers with 60 ZEROS behind them and there are some of us that it becomes a visual comprehension overload in the actual text of the game.

But if exponential scaling continues, along with the mentioned stat squished that continues, as you and others have stated, to be a problem, than wouldn’t addressing the scaling and ilvl problem be an issue that needs to be addressed?

Big numbers are not necessarily fun when visually they lose their meaning. Allow me to give an exaggerated example.

Your Death strike now hits for 14,507,347,470,236,458,346 damage. Imagine trying to read that in text description. At a certain point, as others have mentioned from ghostcrawler years back, they could have just done “mega” numbers but that would not solve the core issue, nor does using an addon that cuts off the last 9 digits. That does not solves the problem but just covers it up.

You can’t do linear scaling, people won’t feel ilvl increases and stop bothering to even do new content, this is why they do exponential scaling

Hush! Seriously, be quiet.

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ok, so if the argument is we can’t do linear, even linear with increased amounts and “bumps” in the linear amount. How then do we solve the problem on the other end. People have already said they don’t like stats squishes to begin with. Surely the argument can’t be to let it continue on forever.

Brewa has an a great post about this issue of the back and forth earlier on and i actually agree with them on that point.

Yes, my argument is to let it continue on until it causes actual issue beyond “my feels”

The wod squish was needed, no other squish so far was

You realize if we’d never done any squishes, the numbers would likely be in the billions by now, yes?

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yup, which i’m all for

only one squish was ever required due to limitations at the time

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Someone should just make an add on or something that just moves the decimal point a couple of spots.

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they actually have those, basically truncated dmg numbers

Wasn’t the issue the problem of the computer process work of the big numbers hence the squish? I recall something being said it slowed down the game/server

They haven’t announced any squish for TWW, and that isn’t something that they do mid-expac. We will likely see a squish in Midnight.

Nope, they hit a limit in the way they did their integers in mop, that was fixed in legionm they were using 32 bit unsigned integers with a limit around 4 billion

now they use 64 bit, which is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615

Player health? LOL no it wouldn’t.

“Skill issue”

Wow, what an excellent counter point…

Also, I’m with you Fabul. I hate the fact that they did the squish despite all the complaints(probably from the very same people in here who feel like the world is ending if their ilvl goes down), and then in a couple of years we’re back to millions of hp. I really don’t understand this.

If you’re going to do the squish, then you have to have believed in it and thought you messed up by giving people too much hp/dmg, and yet, here we are again?? Why wouldn’t you not give incremental increases in health/dmg instead of 73481723047120 per 20 ilvl. I liked the squish but if they’re just going to mess it up at lightning speed then I just don’t see what the point is.

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thank you, you actually did a better job at phrasing what i was getting it, but in a far more elegant way :slight_smile:

Ya i wish the issue of stat squish was unnecessary, and your right i thought after the first round of it they would have adjusted course. It’s why i mentioned what Brewa said and their right about huge jump in ilvl were at and it’s not even between expansions: it’s between tiers. What they say 39 ilvls now? and remember the exponential growth is on that. so every tier IT GETS WORSE.

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Inability to recognize sarcasm is also a skill issue. The numbers don’t matter. Yugioh is just hearthstone with a bunch of extraneous zeros.

Curious. If there was no stat or level squish ever, what would be level cap and approx. max HPs?

You can’t use the argument “the numbers don’t matter” and then argue that squishing them, making them smaller, is a problem and should not be done because if they don’t matter then being bigger or smaller is a non-issue for you and thus is NOT a problem. The logic does not follow as you have stated it.

If your argument is “you” like big numbers then that’s fine, and that can be an argument for debate.

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