Stat Priority and Skill Usage for Guardian Druid

Hello Druids,

I was wondering what stat I should prioritize as a Guardian Druid. Item lvl, Agility, Versatility, Mastery, Critical Strike, Haste.

I was also wondering if I could get an explanation on when to use Ironfur and Berserk.

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This is a sprinkle of information to your questions.

For Bears Gear ilvl and then Agility are king. If you need a loose priority system for secondary stats they are Vers>Haste>Master>Crit. There isn’t a cap or breakpoint that you need to reach. Personally I prefer Haste then Vers. I haven’t found a plateau on my bear where I think that I have too much haste.

If you check the top bears and see them running a lot of Haste/Mastery gear it is usually because they run Balance for Raids so take that with a grain of salt.

Ironfur is a Bear’s active mitigation. It increases your armor and you want to strive to maintain 100% uptime while taking physical damage. Berserk is our big survival cooldown that is enhanced via the Incarnation talent. You want to pull larger packs with this or time it for Ty boss in M+ when a nasty attack/phase is incoming. It is strong offensively and defensively.

There is a lot more to it. Check out Pump’s guide on Wowhead and Icyveins (he is the author of both) for a good start. There are several decent content creators with Bear Guides from basic to advanced. Keep in mind 10.1.5 will be bringing some changes to the talent tree’s so make sure to familiarize yourself with the current builds and plan for the upcoming changes.

Look into your other defensive’s like barkskin, rage of the sleeper, survival instincts, etc. You want to avoid going into a pack rageless and no ironfur rolling or an active defensive rolling.

Good luck with your bear.