With Doom Winds being our go to legendary, and windfury attack being a big part of our DPS, I feel like I’m running into real itemization problems as someone who raids and doesn’t jump into Mythic+ as much. For whatever reason, haste seems to be in short supply on the gear I’ve been able to obtain. On top of that, the best haste items seem to drop from some of the more difficult later fights on Heroic (like the haste ring off Denathrius or the belt off Sludgefist). It became very apparent for me when I raided with another Enhancement Shaman who does a lot of Mythic+ and had about 50% more haste than I did.
For those that spend their time raiding, or only have time to focus on raiding, what are the best ways to counter this? Should I be looking for lower ilvl gear with better haste and see if it works better?
EDIT: I’ll add that it seems like BIS trinkets are either off Denathrius or from Mythic+, but that’s not a secondary stat issue.