yes I am. I am not doing any other quests for another allied race. i am very frustrated after all the time i spent getting to exalted.
thanks for any other ideas.
not doing any other race quest line
Could you please provide the name-realm of the character you earned Voldunai exalted (and other Allied Race unlocks, if different characters/not your main) on?
gorie, bronzebeard
According to Wowhead, you haven’t completed Guests at Grommash Hold given by Ji Firepaw in the Embassy. That starts the Vulpera chain. If he’s not offering you that quest, its possible you did start another allied chain and have forgotten about it, possibly on another alt.
the whole problem is that I cannot even get that quest. it is not being offered to me.
Definitely this. Check your quest log on the character you’re trying to unlock the allied race with, but also check the quest logs of your other characters to make sure you didn’t start an allied race quest chain and forgot about it.
i do not have another horde character.
from what i can tell, gorie on bronzebeard has completed the first 3 quests to unlock the vulpera, up through New Allies, New problems. The next quest in the line is No Problem Too Small, picked up from Kiro in Grommash Hold. Make sure this isn’t in your quest log, and that you don’t see Kiro there.
If not, I would imagine you are phased somehow. I don’t know what commonly phases grommash hold, though.