Starting SOD how is lvling and finding groups

As the title. How hard is it finding groups for lvling dungeons.

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Alot of people are rolling alts now that all of the runes are on a vendor so not too hard.

I do recommend mostly questing outside of doing a dungeon once for quests. This is because there is a 300% buff to gold from Quests which will help for your mount at 40 (50% off the price so 50g before discounts).

Also its worth doing the Nightmare Incursion Dailies (25 Duskwood, 40 Ashenvale, Hinterlands/Feralas 50) as they give a nice chunk of exp and rep. Once you are honored with the Emerald Wardens you can buy a nice set of 6 blue armor with a set bonus for level 50.

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And be on the look out for BFD, Gnoma, ST raids. People still run them cuz they give a ton of xp and some vanity items are still chased. I’ve been carrying lowbies in BFD been trying to get the xbow for my hunter. 0-4 so far. =(

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Thanks for the info

Also what Styls said, the level up raids of BFD/Gnomer/ST give alot of exp and some nice items for leveling. Make sure to get your ST class quest BEFORE doing ST as it’s the hardest to find groups for and the quest gives all 3 class items.

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Had no issues finding groups for DM, Stocks etc on Alliance side of Wild Growth. I havent gotten much past that though.

I lll be rolling allaince.
That was my next question.
What realm should i take

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I you dont mind getting ganked PVP Crusader Strike is super active. But, if pvp is not ur fancy I would stick to PvE Wild Growth.