Starting PVP is a horrible experience

When I’m undergeared, I specific queue Wintergrasp or IOC.

In Wintergrasp:

  1. Be on Tower Cannon duty
  2. Drive a demo or catapult. (Best one ever, you can be naked, but still do so much damage)


  1. Be on Gunship Cannon duty
  2. Drive a glaive or demo. (Best one ever, you can be naked, but still do so much damage)

Get /geared without getting owned.


if they do this they will destroy purely and simply the BG and no one will queue because ‘‘i want to gear so i not want to get facerolled’’. And do i need to queue last much more longer ? No i not need it. If i’m not geared then yes i know i will eat my sock but after you have gear then it’s much more fun to do bg

you get honor and xp for losing. its why alot of players are hot garbage. welfare systems create entitled players who would rather have fast losses than put any effort into gearing while leveling because “ who cares its not max level” which turns immediately into “ who cares its not rated”at 80.


those are completely worthless. your gear gets scaled to 600 already and that is not nearly enough.

scaling should be 13 ilvl below honor while conquest is 13 ilvl above honor.

26 below honor is absurd.


Yes it is. Levelling and freshly capped gearing are where Blizz should be putting it’s efforts now into improving PvP.

I think they should keep iterating on the 8v8 BGB format and maps. Make a scaled and templated version for leveling toon and 80s to farm honor for honor gear. let it give XP for wins similar to random dungeons. let people who want to PvP level with PvP/

They can do that and leave legacy BG alone for those who enjoy it still.

535 gear scales to 600. the base PvP crafted gear scales to 606. it’s the easiest start to PvP i’ve ever experienced.

It’s the trial by fire.

You gotta eat a lot of poop on your way to the victory pedestal.

I just take the Ls playing random BGs for honor. I ain’t spending up to 1m gold on an honor set from AH

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Thats true, and N.1 problem for pvp not getting new players.

Full honor ppl are sitting in 636 ilvl, 76 ilvl is basically 76% more damage/HP.

Idk what blizz thinks but pvp is terrible to new players.

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So, we gotta do WM as a stepping stone to conquest? Or is the gap small enough that you can do arenas with full honor until conquest?

Can do any ranked content with full honor right now, prob in a month the conq gap gonna be big enought that new pvpers gonna feel it even with full honor

I have never felt the need to do bloody tokens, once ur in full honor gear, it’s not too bad, and conquest is pretty easy to get. The cap is a bummer, understandable, but still a bummer for a few weeks

Your gear was yummy :yum:

Those ilvls are 2 shotted numbers

Caps aren’t about the middle of the season. it’s about putting some limits on how far ahead they will let the sweaties get from the regular players in the first few weeks.

There are players who would be farming conq 24/7 first few days to get ahead if they could.

That doesn’t make it a good system. Gear stats shouldn’t be a thing in pvp.

I have carefully planned my playtime to minimize the unrated BG that is available now, because I agree, what we have now for unrated content is bad.

I also agree that PvP should be on a relatively equal playing field.

But this is an MMO and people want progression. the purchasing system we have now for gear is great, IMO, best it has ever been.

How we earn that honor in unrated is bad.

Bring back unrated Blitz!

PVP has always been a toxic and horrible experience for most players there is nothing fun about it. Its unbalanced, to focused on E sports, atrociously bad match making.

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They can have their progression in PvE, not in a competitive player vs player mode.

I understand and even agree with that philosophy, but it’s not the paradigm we’re working under.

PvP in WoW is gonna have progression. I just don’t see that going away.