Starting Bottleneck is almost unplayable :(

A bottleneck implies that there was more elbow room prior to it. The release glut is vanilla like and you should just deal with it or wait to begin till it subsides.

Let’s just hope the layering is HELLA amazeballs when Classic launches. We’re going to need it, for a smoother experience. Here’s to hoping.

If a little adversity drives people away, it isn’t likely they would level to 60 in Classic anyway. It won’t be any mystery as to why things are balled up for a time. People will be talking in chat constantly about it. New players will understand that things are expected to thin out and normalize after the crowd clears. We don’t have to worry about them or treat them like babies.


I have a striking feeling that a version of dynamic spawning will be incorporated (in addition to layering). To note, however, I remember maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany people on vanilla launch. My strategy was generally fairly simple: group with other players and/or stack on on singular respawn. I knew they would have to respawn, I would get the tag, and then kill them like normal. It worked well for me. I remember having at least 50-100 people in Coldridge Valley alone and not having major issues progressing (outside of loot lag forever). This was prime time November 23, 2004, however.

Personally, I’d qualify this as fearmongering. An artificial level cap has been in place for a while. This alters the normal flow and distribution of players based off of levels. Even during release of vanilla, I don’t remember having significant spawn issues. Granted, I did Dun Morogh/Loch Modan as a gnome leveling on day 1. The amount of people dropped off and spread out quickly.

Historically, I don’t think many people would generally do the mob/dungeon grinding route because they couldn’t find reliable people. Many people didn’t even know where dungeons were. I believe people did grind dungeons to level alts quite frequently later in the expansion, however.


It’s not “finished” at 60. The race to 60 is to gain as much power (epic mount, gear, abilities, etc) early on, so you aren’t the poor lvl 35 being camped by level 60s who do.

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