Starting attributes vary?

I am new to WoW. Been playing about 2 weeks. I did some research on some popular websites before making my first characters. I have recently noticed something that I cannot find info about anywhere. At least nothing current, or accurate. So, here is what I’ve found.
I have made 2 Warlocks that are starting in exile’s reach. Both are level 2 and haven’t left the boat yet. One is a goblin, the other is an undead. They are not the same.
Undead Warlock 2 with only starting stuff:
Intelligence of 20, Stamina of 49, Armor of 6 (6 pieces of equipment) Shadow Bolt does 13 damage. Crit Strike of 5%
Goblin Warlock 2 with only starting stuff:
Intelligence of 25, Stamina of 47, Armor of 3 (3 pieces of equipment) Shadow Bolt does 17 damage. Crit Strike of 5% and Haste 1%
My question is this. Why are there stat differences, and why can’t I find anything anywhere that discusses these stat differences? Do the races have different racial attributes? If so, what are they?
Anyone able to help me out here please and thank you.

Each race will get some special racial abilities. (They should show up under the general tab of your spellbook, and will note they are racials.) Most of these are passive, and not particularly impactful in most situations. Each race gets one active ability that is a bit more impactful in combat. But, mostly, these are about flavor. So, for example, goblins get 1% haste because “time is money” (which is the actual name of that passive ability.) Night elves get either 1% haste or 1% crit depending on the time of day themed around the cyclical nature of elune.

I think that the different races do still have different base stats as well. (I know they originally did, but it’s never been impactful, so people just ignore it.) I don’t know of a source for the starting stats for modern WoW. (Classic WoW is s bit easier to find. They probably haven’t changed, but not all races are in Classic.)

As for why the Undead and Goblin start with different amounts of gear? As much as they’ve tried to normalize a lot of the starting stuff, things are still bound to get a bit weird given that different races are added at different times. Again, it’s something that will be irrelevant within a few levels.


Well thank you for the response. I’m a little annoyed that there isn’t anywhere to just see a table of the info. There’s a 25% difference in damage at level 2. All things being the same there s still always gonna be a difference between different races. It may be insignificant at higher levels but my level 25 priest still only has a 98 INT so those extra 5 points of INT would still be a 5% diff in damage at level 25. Sure at 50, 60, or 70 it is likely nothing, but it can be a difference maker in how easy it is to get through the leveling process. I get it that not everyone would be interested in the info, but I’d still think it would be out there somewhere on one of the popular sites or wikis.
Either way, thank you for answering the question. I do appreciate that.

playing a dwarf mage whose intelligence gain is about 15-20 less than some other races at the same level (gnome/night elf/goblin). Figured this out while just testing caster animations lol.

My lower level night elf mage has 15 more intelligence then my dwarf mage who is 2 level higher than it.

My night elf can cast a frostbolt, a second at a second target, and then fire blast at a 3rd, killing 3 mobs in 3 casts whereas my dwarf would take 5 frostbolts and a fireblast to kill 3 mobs

This does seem small and probably scales off alot more at higher levels but right now it is the difference between having to cast quite a bit more to get the same result (6 casts vs 3)