Starting Afresh–Re-Roll project– RISEN ASHES

Hello there!

If you clicked on this post, chances are you’re in the same boat as myself. I’ve been playing for over 12 years starting in TBC and I’ve reached a point where i’m struggling to play a game I enjoy because I don’t have friends or a community that play the game anymore. This had lead to my own disappointment within myself, because I want to play but i feel that I can’t!

This lead me to start thinking, I need to find a fix to my problems and somehow in a tequila fueled brainstorming session, I thought why not just start afresh? Reborn from the Ashes is that new start!

I want to create a community that stays together. One that transcends the in-game community and becomes a family that can enjoy a vast amount of gaming titles, but still have World of Warcraft at its core.

If you’ve read this far, you might as well read my proposal for the guild below!

What I hope to offer from this project:

  • A new start, alongside other people that want to start afresh.
  • No race to 120, go at your own pace and smash the world record, or take your time and enjoy the leveling process with your new guildmates!
  • A place for new and old players to begin and build a community that helps strengthen the enjoyment we get out of WoW and other games in the future.
  • At max level, we will look at PvE and PvP. Max raids per week would be 3, looking at primarily 2.

Heirlooms would be optional and up to each player. However i would ask that nobody level boosts to keep that feeling of growth between the group and not instantly separating players.

We will be starting votes on which faction and realm to play starting this week on our Guild Discord and looking to launch in the next week or two to get this project rolling!

If you’re still reading, well done! I like to ramble. If you want some more ramblings, then come check us out on our Discord and Vote for the Faction and Realm for the guild!

Discord Link: https:// or PM me at Luntho#7319

Add me on Battletag too: Gando#21200

I look forward to meeting you all!

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We’ve had a lot of interest over the last 24 hours! Come hang out with us, we’ve started voting on our faction!

For the Alliance! Come help us choose between Stormrage and Proudmoore!

Starting today at 5pm cst on the Alliance side of Stormrage, join us on the best guild this side of the void.

Leveling is underway! Come have some fun!

I would like to join. Just got back into wow. How do I join?

you can add my bnet distance#11612 and I’ll get you in the discord and guild!

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Bump. Come join :slight_smile:

Is a new character required? ;o

It isn’t at this point, we’re getting along pretty well now!

i want to join your guild!! i have a 120 coin that i can use or i can make a new gnome mage! i have sent a friend request to luntho. i really want to start playing retail with a great guild. thank you so much for the post

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