Start punishing players that leave rated solo shuffle games

If a player leaves a rated solo shuffle game, the game instantly ends, and nobody gains or loses points. This then leads to players abusing this system and leaving/ending the game the moment their team starts losing.

Leaving a rated game, in the middle of the game, should cause the player to lose 2-4x more rating than a normal loss, and those points should then be distributed to the remaining players who were snubbed out of a win.

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Thanks for linking this. That’s great news.

I still wish they would increase the points the person loses though.

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i mean, i don’t feel like they need to lose more points than all 6 rounds, overly punishes people with legitimate reasons for leaving.


Even after the patch, it’s still a problem.


This was an absolutely lazy reaction to something that hurt the solos ladder. over half the games when i queue as dps are cut short by healers still leaving. dated 12/31/22. So as a dps you wait in a 30 minute queue. get into 15 minute match with 6 rounds. 5 are completed. the losing healer who gets quick queues loses and leaves at round 5. YES dps do not lose rating when it happens. but they just lost 1 hour and 15 minutes of time they sat in queue for 2 queues plus the match that defaulted to zero and a 50% chance for it to happen again!!! instead of taking that rating from the quitter divide it based on the appropriate earnings of each player through the matches too so dps dont waste so much time in queues. maybe this will help people queue up as well!!


It seems like the easiest fix would be that you gain or lose rating after every round. If you leave before the entire set is completed you lose 500 rating and get a 4 hour debuff which doubles if you leave again during the same week and exponentially stacking.

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They can’t reward people conquest points for other players leaving. This could and would be exploited. It amazes me how crafty dishonest people can get sometimes.
I would like to see long term suspensions to accounts and even I P addresses for abusers. Like a three-strike rule. Strike one loose 500 rating and 1 hour deserter debuff account wide. Strike two 1000 rating loss and a 2 week suspension. Strike three banned for the season.


what would be crafty is also abusing how easy it is to lvl and gear alts. People do create multiple of the same class in case their rating goes south on one of the others. I doubt they’d go as far as suspending an IP or an account for it only wastes the time of other players. which i dont know about you but if you take the time of the 4 dps you come up to 2 hours wasted in play time total per queue for a healer abandoning a match. its not dishonest. its you getting what you deserved which was stripped from you. just like in regular rated arenas and bgs. if one person leaves it doesnt kick everyone. the match continues until the end. and the points are still given based on w/l. the points system has already been figured out. stop ending matches off someone leaving and allow people to get points for the time theyve not only put into the match but sat in queue for a long time.

Hello blizzard solo queue is a mess you guys really need to make it where players can’t leave once in the arena like disable the leave party button on the player picture frame or the queue dragon eye option would be alot better .