Start Menu Pin

Is there any way to pin an exe to my Start Menu and when running the game it autologs as if running through the launcher?

I don’t believe so.

Autologging is a capability, and if you’re not using the launcher it doesn’t happen, which is why WoW falls back to its own login screen if you launch it by itself.

The closest thing I can find is:

  • making sure the launcher is already running (for instance, autostarting with Windows but minimized to the tray)
  • configuring launcher to minimize itself when launching any game, instead of exiting, so that it’s still running the second time you start a game
  • using a shortcut to the WoW launcher (not the launcher) with an additional command-line option: --exec="launch WoW"

The shortcut options will look like this:

This is the shortcut you would pin to the Start menu, etc.

That shortcut will have the full benefit of launching with the app available and all the authentication already taken care of, but you won’t have to look at the advertising or click in the launcher UI to start the game.

The downside is that the app will always be in memory and will increase your startup time by that much. But this does seem to work.

Oh I actually dont mind having always on so this is awesome, thank you very much for the help!

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