Start banning lvl 60s killing low lvl players

Charmin soft my friend. Charmin soft

Objectively false

It’s never been an actionable offense on PvP realms.

Camping low levels is crap but they are indeed on a pvp server. Kinda gotta understand that is going to happen.

IDK about you guys, but I’d be reconsidering my sub if I got banned for doing PvP on a PvP server.


Yes it has Blizz used to suspend accts in vanilla if you just sat there and killed the same player over and over. I’m talking about extreme situations.

Welcome to the toxicity that is PvP Servers.

They should ban PVP happening on PVP servers because PVE players intentionally rolling on PVP servers for clout can’t actually handle PVP happening.


It must have been hundreds of times in a day, if not more.

say it louder for the people in back

Prob bait but, pvp/pve rulesets are very easy to understand and if you chose pvp you have to live with the consequences of it. I think it’s obnoxious to kill lowbies and have your night potentially ruined by neets hence I play on pve.

Should we let them know about STV or wait until they level out of Hillsbrad???


I’m glad to see we’ve branched out as a culture from the male-focused “neckbeard” to a more inclusive “Not in Education, Employment or Training” to catagorize the socially inept.

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In 2004 we just called them rogues

So like Retail.

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lol no my twink rogue can kill 60s if they’re not decked out yet. I was watching most of this stupidity and I understand why world pvp dies off due to the bullying chads of wow

Based on your posts, yes.

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Given how cowardly and OP rogues can be. Maybe this rogue has been camping 10s and someone decided to teach him a lesson.

It can fall under “disruption of play” or whatever verbiage they use, it just has to be EXTREME cases of griefing on a PVO realm to really get anything done though.

Granted most people on here view griefing as being killed once or twice in a contested zone so…

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I feel like disruption of play would be following someone around if they take rez sickness or following them from zone to zone so they can’t play at all. Not just camping an area of hillsbrad.