Start banning lvl 60s killing low lvl players

Hillsbrad right now I am watching horde 60s kill a lvl 26 rogue over and over thats just trying to enjoy world pvp with people his level.

We need active gms to warn these players to allow fair pvp to happen

Delete your account lmfao


… what?
pvp is pvp…
its normal, you are just a Z generation cry baby.


Aw they can reroll PVE.
We will give them cookies and milk.

I think ganking people so much lower than you in level is gross abhorrent behavior but it’s not a bannable offense. The 60s on the ganked players faction should stop avoiding pvp and help.


Out of curiosity, do you know the difference between Regular and PVP servers?


How is that rogue suppose to turn into a deadly mob if he never takes an L for his wages every now and then?

Also, having more than one character is a thing you can do to actually level if one character is in a bad situation.

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im not talking about pvp i have a geared 60

I’m talking about two level 28s pvping in the fields and a 60 shows up and starts camping the 28 like ???

Is there much mental illness going on now days?

Yeah and you’re the poster child for it…


This is fair pvp. On a pvp server, there’s nothing in the rules that say anything about who you can gank, and when. If you’re flagged for pvp, expect to die. Battlegrounds are for people who want approximate level pvp. If anyone can’t handle being ganked, and camped, on a pvp server; roll on a pve server. And, before you say it, just because you don’t “want” to, doesn’t mean you don’t have the solution to your pvp problem.


It’s entirely dumb, but you won’t get much support for it here. All logic would suggest that the ability to attack someone on a PvP realm would require that they are not so far below you that you can snort on them and they die. I would have pretty much made it equivalent to yellow, green, gray mobs (and of course orange and red if you’re so bold.)

Camping has always been an actionable offense dating back to like 2005 even on PvP Realms.

join bg if u want fair pvp

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i parked my 30+ rogue at the very edge of silverpine and killed everyone who came far enough into hillsbrad to get flagged. 60s came and stopped me and now im mad.


This is peak Classic. I had a 60 druid camp
me in the Humberto Sword quest for well over an hour.


Fair PvP DID happen. That 26 Rogue decided to play on a PvP server.
/end of story

So a lvl 26 rogue is likely ganking other people around their level over and over under circumstances that give them a huge advantage as rogues tend to do so then players get on their mains to give that rogue a taste of their own medicine.

Tldr: pvp happened on a pvp server


Welcome to the concept of vertical progression. Some PVP games deliberately structure the game to bypass the verticality, others embrace it. This one embraces it.

As for why bullying the weak is considered fun by some, that sounds like a question for psychology, not game design.

PvP happen on a pvp server… Oh, noes.

I actually applaud, that 60 for helping lowbies who are getting ganked over and over again. Now, the gankers should join on their 60’s and that horde 60 should call for more 60’s and soon it becomes a full out battle in SS vs TM. I love it…


except the horde faction is 99% of the server and does not want to actually pvp, but just be able to grief the opposing faction