You’re coping so hard dude
Are you really gonna die on this “paladins can’t be kited” hill?
You’re coping so hard dude
Are you really gonna die on this “paladins can’t be kited” hill?
Blizzard are not balancing PVP, did you not see the post. No need to worry about nerfs
I’ve actually dismantled you this whole time using just mechanics.
Didn’t even work freedom into the global concepts since your examples never warranted it
Come to barrens so I can dismantle your paladin with my druid.
Pretty clear you’re a bottom tier player that doesn’t even understand how each class works.
You also don’t understand that pally was put in S tier by your link
Come to barrens or stop talking.
I will 100% win the fight.
You haven’t dismantled anything, you just keep claiming you’re never going to be slowed when I can literally spam a setup that guarantees you get slowed for a global every time
And this is just shaman were talking about
So many other classes can easily kite a paladin, such as mage, hunter and druid
Alright ret pally you’re gonna oom yourself spamming cleanse 20 times in a duel while I get actual damage in. How is that a winning position? If I see you bubble and start running at me I’m just popping ghost wolf and gaining distance on you.
All I know is that Starsurge and Sunfire runes should only be usable in human and boom form.
Starsurge is only usable in human form.
Maybe a longer cooldown then for swapping forms, because it’s annoying and lame.
Sunfires so pathetic that the druid is just trolling having it equipped.
You realize Druid trinket breaks stun right
I already got a Feral Druid but I think it’s time to make a second Boomkin Druid.
No it isn’t.
You gear strength in cat form and you get 2 AP per strength which goes to sunfire.
It does plenty of damage.
I’ve killed a dozen or more paladins this way recently.
Works well against Rogues.
Not going to explain this again
I’ve already clearly demonstrated how you’re never gaining distance.
LOL this paladin is so mad their class is bad in PVP.
Only gonna get worse P2.
The only thing you’ve demonstrated is that you’re willing to stubbornly die on a hill for your absurd claim that paladins are unkitable, which anyone that plays this game knows is just objectively false
There are literally threads on these forums with hundreds of posts talking about how paladin is so easily kitable without avengers shield, it’s well known that paladins are sitting ducks that waddle around at a snails pace
Nah, ive not stated an opinion. I used game mechanics. I demonstrated how you aren’t gaining any distance, let alone enough to dish out the damage necessary to gain momentum in the fight
P1 AND P2 paladin are kiteable. That ends in P3.