Starsurge will be able to stun in P2

You think you can beat a lock in era?

LOL you are so hopped up on copium you can’t see straight.

Paladins are easily kiteable in P1 thanks to improved ghost wolf. They won’t have cleanse in P2 and we’ll have r2 purge. P3 we can run Imp GW on top of our 31 point ele tree. P4 you’ll be getting globaled by a level 60 ele shaman.

If you want to focus on shaman, I can literally just keep dropping earthbind totem and purging your freedom on top of spamming frostshock on cooldown

Even if you attack the totems and cleanse slows as fast as your globals allow you still will keep losing ground

Can’t you purge bubble?

Nah only the one they give to others.

Already said this isn’t about P1.

P1 and P2 pally are easily kited

Remainder of the game? Not at all.


You can’t.

What do you mean not at all.

You can never catch a druid. Never going to happen.

Stop coping. Some one this guy needs and intervention.

Holy cow.

I already addressed this directly.

So now you are just avoiding my response?


Come to ratchet and my pet will beat you on hunter.

Paladin is a joke.

That is fine. You then just leave the druid if its devices. If I do get to you, or start the fight, and you’re out of form? You lose. Nothing to be done.

You will not survive a single stun in SoD


Stop talking like you are good. You are not.

You can’t overcome your class’ weakness.

P3 we will have the same 31 point fully equipped ele tree and will have another 10 points to splash on whatever we want. Those 10 points are going into shield spec, improved ghost wolf and improved lightning shield. The problem you have in P1 comes back to haunt you in P3. We will have additional mobility in that phase and you will not be catching us. God knows what they have in store for runes. If we have instant cast ghost wolf or something at 60 you’re never catching us. In any case I don’t think you’ve like fought an ele shaman. They just global you at 60. They’ll be doing this from as early as 40.

All of the weaknesses of paladin have been filled in SoD.

It is a god class now.

Watch this and learn.

You are not even near the top of the list.

You are not gaining a moment of distance once cleanse enters the game.

It is that simple. We can now kick your spells.

I run herbalism on my shaman I’m popping free action potions like candy. Cheap as chips.

I don’t need to slow you if you can’t slow me. I am on you the entire time.

He has pally as A tier in P1, when we don’t have any of our incredibly powerful talents, a good bubble, or cleanse.

Watch hydra’s video.

Paladin is not even near the top of the list.

Stop talking noob.

Hydra is one of the best PVPers in WOW.