Staring a solo Druid - any tips?

Hello everyone! I’ve created a brand new Druid and was looking for any tips for lvling and open world content. This is going to be a very casual toon so not looking to do top end content such as raiding or M+, at least right now. Thinking of going Venthyr Balance once I reach lvl 60.

I’ve read some guides and have somewhat of an idea what to do/expect, but I figured some experienced Druids might have some advice. Very curious to see how soloing a Druid feels compared to my Hunter, Warlock, Pally and Mage.


Long time druid main here (since 2007).

If you’re starting from scratch, I suggest balance. Early on, you get really strong talents that help you survive which will increase your leveling speed. Specifically, I’m talking about Force of Nature and Restoration Affinity. Force of Nature (also called “trees”) is on a one-minute cd and will tank for you for 10 seconds. They’re pretty hearty and usually last the whole 10 seconds even in moderately hard mythic plus. Resto Affinity provides access to extra healing abilities and a passive hot along with Ursol’s Vortex. Between trees, typhoon (just from being a balance druid), and vortex, you can pull very large groups of enemies and kill them before they touch you.

Alternatively, if you want to learn to tank, guardian druid has a pretty low skill floor (meaning it’s easy to learn and be a decent tank quickly), and you can focus on grouping mobs and staying alive.


Get used to shifting in and out of other forms. Breaks roots and snares. You should never die to fire because you were “stuck” :smiley:


Or on the last boss of Necrotic Wake as I have seen many times.

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That’s a good tip. I have a mouse bind for travel form just to move while in combat.

Balance is not too bad for solo leveling. But I personally prefer feral for leveling due to insta heal procs.

Leveling as bear, or any tank spec, is also very very easy. You just can’t die. You can pull 20 mobs and cleave them all down. But if you pull 20 as boomie, you will die, unless you pop trees!

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I like Resto while leveling. Resto + Balance Affinity.

The damage bonus you get for being a healer is pretty insane (while leveling at least). Wrath/Starfire/Moonfire/Sunfire 20 mobs, group them up, HoT yourself up and cleave down with appropriate spells and your health will never dip below 80%.

Another perk is that most heals are instant cast so you’re not wasting any time channeling. Add a heal, go back to DPS


Leveling a druid is fun (probably why I have so many laying around my account).

As compared to Hunter,Mage or Warlock, I don’t think Balance is as fun as those. The fun of the druid is the mix. Sneak past mobs you don’t need to kill, kill the ones you do, and get out without an issue. Or Pull the entire zone and kill them all.

Like others said. Learn to shift. That’s the 3D chess of druids. Learning how to utilize abilites that are locked behind certain forms and how to utilize them all. For example, if I go feral, I’ll usually use bear affinity. Then after I get my initial bleeds out and I’m waiting on energy regen for a bigger bite, I’ll go bear and swipe and thrash a couple of GCDs, maybe frenzied regen if needed, and then go back to cat form for a full energy Bit. Makes it fun.

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Bonus damage is a thing? i didnt know that.

So i’m not entirely sure if it’s “common knowledge”, but I know healers get a buff to certain attack abilities while leveling. To compensate for solo leveling while being a healer.

Like given the same gear between Boomy and Resto say at level 40, I think Wrath will do more damage in Resto than in Boomy. Same thing with Lightning Bolt and Chain lightning as Resto/Ele Shaman and what not.

I’ll log in and double check real quick.

Edit: level 50 druid

Balance Druid in Moonkin form - Wrath hits for 321
Resto Druid - Wrath hits for 384

Balance - Moonfire hits for 117 initially and 1520 over 22 seconds
Resto - Moonfire hits for 132 initially and 1421 over 16 seconds

And mind you, Moonkin form gives Balance 10% damage increase to their spells. So yeah, Resto hits harder than Balance while leveling :slight_smile:


It is (or at least was) the same for feral. Other than having a smaller feral toolkit, resto with feral affinity had better energy regen and better damage than feral did at the same level while leveling.


Not sure what end game content you’ll do if not raiding or m+ but I would not recommend venthyr for anything besides raiding. I feel like it’d be the opposite of fun or productive.

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level up as guardian.

that’s it…

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Honestly, solo/leveling content is so easy, it almost doesn’t matter what you do. Feral or Boomkin will probably be fastest. Personally, I prefer Feral for soloing, but your mileage may vary. As a Bear, you’ll be essentially invincible. You can pull as big as you want, but just AoEing everything down gets kind of tedious.

If you’re interested in doing dungeons at all, you’ll have a much easier time finding groups as Guardian or Resto. If you’re up for a hybrid approach, Feral gear has better overlap with Guardian, while Boomkin gear has better overlap with Resto (in terms of weapons/trinkets more than in terms of best stats, which you don’t really need to worry about while leveling).

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I’m a long time altoholic. I’ve leveled each class from 1-60 in SL, gotten bored, and am doing it again.

Overall, druid is one of the best levelers in the game. They have a perma 130% move speed with Cat Form. Great for running out of indoor areas. Similarly, they have a sprint. They have stealth to easily get in and out of dense areas. They have excellent heals. They have a ranged pull (Moonfire). They have great AoE. They have decent single target. Above all, Travel Form gives you instant mounting. Flying in Travel Form also lets you loot objects (dead mobs, resources, quest objectives, etc) without unmounting!

All of this is available to each spec. It’s insane.

Here’s a breakdown of each spec while leveling:

Guardian - incredibly tanky, great AoE damge, and decent ST damage. Pull literally as many mobs as you can with Moonfire without them leashing, Thrash on CD, spam Swipe, and you win.
Restoration - not as tanky, but just as survivable as Guardian. Their base damage is higher than Feral and Balance, but there aren’t any spell interactions, so their overall DPS is lower. However, as most DPS specs don’t get those interactions until later in the leveling process, this makes Resto a great leveling spec early on. Specifically, going Balance or Feral affinity /w with the Master Shapeshift PvP talent makes for INSANE dps for a healer while leveling. Seriously, try it out.
Balance - excellent AoE, decent ST, but insane ST when cooldowns are up. Lots of tools for kiting and keeping enemies at range. However, I’ve found that using these tools really takes away from precious globals to kill mobs. This is especially noticeable since outdoor mobs are easy. They die in like, 10-15 seconds. If you’re spending 2-3 globals to kite, your kill speed increases nearly 50% per mob. For that reason, I don’t like Balance leveling.
Feral - no AoE for a while. Even when they get going, AoE is very lacking. ST is ok, but nothing special until much later levels. Unless talented, Moonfire can’t be used in Cat Form to range pull, so it’s more awkward to group up many mobs and AoE them down. Energy regen is slow until later levels as well, making the spec play slow. It’s not nearly as tanky or survivable as Guardian or Resto. Overall, this is Druid’s weakest leveling spec.

In conclusion, if your sole focus is easy and quick leveling, Guardian hands down. It’s not even close. Moonfire to round up as many mobs as possible, spam Thrash and Swipe, use your defensives liberally. Instantly mount up, fly to another quest area, rinse and repeat. You’ll feel slower in single target fights, but the ability to AoE makes up for it BIG time. There’s really no reason to swap specs, it’ll just slow you down.

If you’d like to play Balance in end-game though, that’s completely fine to level with. They’re great. Again, the base kit of druids makes them one of the best leveling class in the game. If your goal is to simply have fun, any spec will do. Personally, I have the most fun on Druid playing as Restoration with Feral Affinity. Managing DoTs between 2 forms (Moonfire, Sunfire, Rake, and Rip) while keeping HoTs on myself (Lifebloom, maybe a rejuv and regrowth) is just incredible fun. It feels far less punchy than something like a Fury Warrior, and more “maintenance” like an Affliction Warlock, but you’re constantly busy, you stay alive, and mobs die.


Just wanted to quickly say THANK YOU to everyone that has responded thus far. I just got my Druid out of the starting area and she is currently resting in Stormwind for some bonus XP before I start to really level this toon. I will definitely keep what you’ve all said in my mind and will likely refer back to this thread often.

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