Has anyone tested if just using starfire and ignoring solar wrath with the elune hero talents works? :l
I can’t speak to high end content, or keys (yet), as I’m still working on gearing, but the configuration is hella-fun to play IMO. Pairing it with Warrior of Elune for those 3 instant Starfires every 45 seconds is super helpful for high mobility needs, especially with Delve bosses.
Plus, stacking haste with starlord seems to do a fairly good job of mitigating starfire’s slower cast time when Warrior of Elune is on cooldown.
If u play with Elune’s chosen / Lunar Calling you will never ever press wrath. Only exception is for entering Lunar Eclipse
i use my 3 instants for movement phase but only casting starfire is a huge dps loss
Yeah starfire is the goat.
use warrior of elune to help build 3 stacks of starlord, little heavier on haste than mastery and its kinda not bad. Just lacks defensives and solid single target.
I was running that build in keys, now that I am pushing 11s I have switched off that build to a grove build. It falls behind in single target boss damage and that is the only reason for the switch for me. It felt fun to blast big aoe packs with instant cast starfires. I pushed into the 10 key range with it, so it is absolutely viable.
It made me actually like playing my Druid. I don’t try to do super elite content. I’m very casual, so YMMV. However it simplified my rotation considerably.