Starfield - WrA edition, for Wyrmrest Accord

So finally played the game, I’m not really…all that impressed.

The best thing I can say about it is that it doesn’t feel or look like a Bethesda game, which is both something that works to it’s benefit and detriment.

I found the UI to be hideously clunky, laggy and overall poorly designed. They should have just brought over the Pipboy from Fallout and made it more universe friendly in aesthetic. The gunplay isn’t even as polished as Fallout 4’s, which you could play successfully without using VATS if you wanted.

Storywise, there wasn’t much to really grab me, and the ship combat was…okay, I guess. Not great, not terrible. The persuasion system isn’t bad, and it’s nice to have a pretty well defined set of skill trees. There was a lot of potential with Starfield, but ultimately falls a bit flat.

I’m happy that they created a brand new IP, I truly am, but I just wish they’d brought it more things from their other IPs to make this new one truly spectacular.