Starfall Stacking

It seems on ptr and beta right now you can actually stack starfalls WHILE having it the shadowlands version which seems really crazy but its kinda fun seeing my 2 target dps hitting 30-35k dps.

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Crosses fingers that it’s intended


Starfall is changing to a ground target reticle spell (green circle thingy) in DF.

It is in a pretty balanced state right now though with it being the shadowlands version that stacks, so its hard to know if its intended or not.

It’s changing to a ground target reticle ability so it’s not working as intended.

You will be able to spam it though.

Why are they changing it back to a ground target spell again!

It goes back and forth every other expansion it seems.

I strongly dislike ground target spells, especially for PvP.

One of my first ever experiences with arena was a 5v5 match in wotlk.

The gates opened and the entire other team was stealthed.

And then the stars fell.

“Big numbers = fun”

Personally, i think the rotation\spells need to feel good to press and the spells need to be interesting for them to be fun. Each to there own though

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My balance in TBC hits really hard and i am not even geared, i can kill somebody just with pressing starfall no building anything to use it just press and go. Starfall is our cooldown it gets turned into a rotation ability and does basically no damage in pvp in comparison. I have seen a balance druid 1v10 in dreks room with starfall

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I saw that clip too. Sooo funny! 10/10.

Really good for keeping targets in combat or stopping drinks though to be honest.

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You’re right. Just annoying to use.