Starfall - burrow below ground - win.
intended mechanic
Starfall - burrow below ground - win.
intended mechanic
of course, its a druid its benefitting after all
In WOTLK classic they made feral and ret the #1 and #2 dps for 0 reason at all, its just developer misconduct at this point.
notice all this grossly overpowered and broken stuff always favors the same classes in SoD? druid, hunter, paladin, priest are the worst with shaman and rogue right up there with them. Its always warrior getting the shortest end of the stick by a mile every time.
All you do is CRY for NERFS… get your own burrow trinket BUM.
Fetish is legit BIS for anyone who cares about PVP. Don’t you have a target dummy to be attacking anyway? Warrior is better than half the classes in the game in PVP. But you wouldn’t know that cause all you do is attack PVE target dummies on the PTR. And you play a Boarman…
Actually laughed last night when a Moonkin LIP + Fetish of the Sand Reaver… Then slotmachine lotto Darkmoon Card: Torment slapped.
Yeah it’s gonna get nerfed pretty soon
mid combat burrow is completely unhinged!
It’s also basically a third vanish for rogues