Star Wars Visions

The Star Wars Visions Anime’s first 9 Episodes are on Disney Plus from what I’m hearing!

TV Tropes has given details on the Cast to say the least.

Hopefully they wind up popular enough for some of them to be Canonized. Not the ones where Lightsabers change Color while holding them(although that’s apparently a deliberate modification by the Lightsaber Smith) but the one where the Sith Eternal agent Am with 6 Arms and her brother Karre have Lightsabers capable of extending the entire length of a Star Destroyer.

It would be interesting for Am to find the Jedi Homeplanet and discover Kylo Ren’s Mask among the remains and(after slicing the entire Planet in half with her Lightsaber) decide to analyze it in her Star Destroyer with Sith Alchemy at Darth Sidious’s request.

I’m sure the examination would point to Sidious, Snoke and Hux lacking tact with Ren making him emotionally vulnerable to turning back to the Light.

Am upon discovering this through her Sith Alchemy examination would probably keep the Mask for herself(as her old Mask was destroyed by her brother) and probably seek to increase her Dark Side power unhindered by taunts and threats.

Sidious is a crude Lightsaber Duelist(no where near as fancy as Dooku, Yoda, Plo Koon, Mace Windu or Anakin) and uses Lightsabers that don’t extend to the size of a Star Destroyer at random so Am could easily block Sidious’s Force Lightning with two Lightsabers while at the same time carve him to pieces with her other 4 from a safe distance(even if she has to use their Whip Function)…and get possessed in the process.

If Am was Canonized then her being a Sith Eternal Project with 6 Arms and Lightsabers that can extend across an entire Star Destroyer and turn into Lightwhips means that she is the intended vessel for Darth Sidious should Rey(first choice should the Chosen One Bloodline be unavailable) and Kylo Ren(3rd Choice of the Chosen One Bloodline) be unavailable.

Karre(who just has an extendable Lightsaber) is clearly intended to replace the Inquisitors while Am(who has every advantage a Sith Eternal Force User can get) was clearly intended to be the Sith Apprentice!

I personally had four favorites within the first season of the anthology.

  1. The Village Bride
  2. The Duelist
  3. The Ninth Jedi
  4. The Elder

I think you’ll be happy to know OP from what has been talked about so far The Duelist will be turned into a book, with the novel focusing on the story of the wandering Ronin and his adventures. I thought it had gorgeous art and a wonderfully done story. Plus I loved how the aliens and droids were displayed throughout the episode as well.

There was something about the Village Bride though that just took the number one spot for me. It felt like a true Star Wars story, something we would read in a book or might have seen back in the Clone Wars on TV. I was so excited to see the lightsaber color of the protagonist as well. It fit them perfectly. The moral of the episode was wonderful just as was the Elders. Top notch.

The Rhonin is a Sith apparently and thus not a Keeper of the Peace like the Jedi(who serve a benevolent Japanese-style Empire in The Duel).

The Sith are what one would call True Samurai while the Jedi are Bushido Samurai(invented for Stories by Japanese Christians).

The True Samurai do what their Masters tell them(cause Confucius said so) up to and including Ninja assassination while Bushido Samurai are Keepers of the Peace with tenants of Honor.

A Rhonin is a Samurai without a Master so you can guess where the Sith Empire and Darth Bane’s lineage came from.

The Daimyo whom the Sith and Jedi answer to must also be Force Sensitive… of course the Daimyo employers of the Sith are probably Darksiders. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Elder is one.