Standing too close to the Summer Festival fires in Classic TBC instantly kills you

Standing on fires in game usually slowly ticks down your health until you move away. Currently in TBC Classic the Summer Festival bonfires do enormous amounts of damage up to instantly killing you if you stand too close. My combat shows something like this

Rozzygoat suffers 10 fire damage.
Rozzygoat suffers 12 fire damage.
Rozzygoat suffers 14 fire damage.
Rozzygoat suffers 11 fire damage.
Rozzygoat suffers 10 fire damage.

spammed through the log. It also happened inside the entrance of Slave Pens nearby the unlit bonfire. Two of my party members took a lot of damage out of nowhere.

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Same just happened to me in Blades Edge mountains… Of course I had just logged in and fully buffed myself w/ consumables and a fresh new SS!

I was like “what the heck just happened?”… So, ofc I tried it again… lol

My combat log showed the same as you’re describing.

I dont think thats a bug, I think the speed it occurs might be. However I had this exact thing happen to me randomly in desolace today… no fire around no event around no players around and it was over 1k damage in under a second… there was literally nothing in 60yd radius

I just experienced this very same thing right outside Hammerfall. No fires, no nothing. Then instant death, combat log just showed I took little bits of fire damage all at once multiple times.

I’ve been able to get this to trigger regularly now. Go to 74.4 41.88 in Arathi Highlands, walk around a bit on those coordinates and you will suffer the bug where you take a ton of fire damage and instantly die (46 level undead priest).

In TBC Classic, the same thing just happened to me and killed me just outside Allerian Hold. The fire festival is now over, but if you ride over the place where the bonfire was, it does an enormous amount of damage.

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